CO2 increase is the result of increasing temperature

in #discussion6 years ago

NOT the cause
Empirical Evidence Shows Temperature Increases Before CO2 Increase in ALL Records

The CO2 level does not predict the indicates what happened in the past.

  • The bottom line is that rising temperatures cause carbon levels to rise. Carbon may still influence temperatures, but these ice cores are neutral on that. If both factors caused each other to rise significantly, positive feedback would become exponential. We’d see a runaway greenhouse effect. It hasn’t happened. Some other factor is more important than carbon dioxide, or carbon’s role is minor.

According to the Greenland AND the Antarctic Ice Core data.
(and other sources as well)


This was the final straw that red-pilled me on global warming. Such a waste of time on my part. I'm still salty about it! ;)

I'm all FOR global warming.
It certainly beats the alternative.
unfortunately global warming is a hoax.
People who are trying to stop it are trying to kill off the human race.
and all life on earth.
even if they don't know that they are doing so.
Useful Idiots.

(dramatic pause)

Useful to WHO?

(you have now entered the conspiracy zone)

Lol, the neat trick they are pulling now is that they call it "climate change" since warming didn't work out so good. Every once in a while they try to sneak in the word warming, when listening to "climate experts" to see if anyone is paying attention. Its so pathetic! ;)

fun fact: climate is always changes.

Nah, it's all our fault! Bunch of nihilists' fucktards! ;)

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