China Is Facing AsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #discussion6 years ago

“Precipitous” Population Decline


It seem like just yesterday that "The Population Bomb" was a best seller for hours at a time. Global Warmingwas invented to frighten people NOT to take precautions for the impending little ice age so that millions and billions of people would be killed off.

Get rid of the deploreable.

China took a different path of population control. Instead of killing them off (yeah..they did that too) they decided to prevent them from being born. The government of china decreed that family size would be limited to one Child. It musta worked.

Now they want to reverse the trend.

NOT going to happen for a number of reasons. A higher standard of living is the best birth control known to man. All of the rich countries in the world have declining populations.

In the United States it's even worse. Women have become too dangerous for young men to consider. #metoo. and sex robots don't complain nearly as much.

Our World in Data


You have gathered good piece of information indeed.

re sexbots....

You inspired me to make this last dtube video - just posted....the thumbnail will give it away! lol

always glad to be helpful.
I seriously think sexbots will have some effect isolating men from toxic feminism.
Nerds living in their momma's basement kinda thing...low testosterone level types and the effeminent..
For the rest of us? Not so much.
Full immersion Virtual Reality..the kind that can not be distinguished from the real thing....THAT will do it for all men.

Women will no longer have the power over men that they have had for eternity..
Problem is...the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
what happens if there isn't any baby in that cradle?

They better stop this hate mongering real soon or we might find out.

Women will no longer have the power over men that they have had for eternity..

That's the cosmic joke, isn't it?

The very power they have, has been trying to be given away, as fast as possible...

The problem is, it's not a good outcome for the west..for anyone..

Yup...I'm not sure what the solution is either..

....philosophy in school...

...and possibly the mandatory impregnation of hotties? lol. (obviously this is only a short term policy of a decade or so - until all the very sensible, and very intelligent philosophy students, hit childbearing age..)

On a more frivolous note...
Massive incentives to have children without making a welfare state..

Married with kids, and living together.....

A totally tax free income from any paid work they do,.. ?
Something like that... just the first thing that came into my head

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