Chickenpox outbreak

in #discussion6 years ago

at North Carolina school

An 11th child dies and 23 more are sick related news...................

UPDATE: Virus outbreak at New Jersey center for severely disabled...


The graph for measles, polio, scarlet fever, blah blah is pretty much the same.
The answer is nutrition, not vaccines.
Vacccines are big pharma cash cows.
Governments create laws so that big pharma can't be prosecuted for injecting any vaccine concoctions they like .
Then there are lots of outbreaks of 'something'....

No alarm bells?

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by your logic the children in S.Carolina must have been mal nourished.
No more extra fries for THEM!

No more extra fries for THEM!

Non saturated fats, cooked in high temps fo rspeed, then wrapped around GM powdered potato (I don't know if it is, but it sounds good for my argument..) poison, not food. Research cell inflammation caused by eating the wrong fats - 80% of common diseases is caused by this- including high cholesterol - but big pharma statins are third biggest cash cow in the world I think... funny that..
No alarm bells yet..?

Like I said, (good ) nutrition is the answer. Bad nutrition - by definition- is not nutrition.

then why doesn't everyone in the world, except vegans, have chickenpox?

If the data doesn't support the hypothesis...the hypothesis is WRONG! All it takes is one case.

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No tinnitus, at all...?

Chicken pox oooo my god not chicken pox were all gunna die! If the vaccines are working so good then should be no problem with those of us who believe in building chicken pox immunity the old fashioned way.

not a problem?
eleven kids didn't take the vaccine.
eleven kids died.
do you see a problem with that?

No one dead in North Carolina and the cdc even admits you can still get the chicken pox after vaccine. Then they claim it may be milder though they present no evidence.

don't vaccinate your kins then.

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