Bye bye Plastics Scare:

in #discussion7 years ago

Krill can Digest Plastic

  • The expression of concern about nano-plastic seems a stretch. Breaking micro-plastic into smaller chunks, making it available to even more versatile and varied microorganisms further down the food chain, is likely enough to effect complete clearance. Anyone who has ever owned a boat knows how difficult it is to protect fuel from contamination by the ubiquitous fungus and bacteria which thrives in sea water. It seems highly likely that at least one other organism, somewhere in the world’s oceans, has developed a taste for our plastic waste.

Plastic is just reformulated Oil. There are a zillion oil seeps on the ocean floor.

  • A new study finds that the natural petroleum seeps off Santa Barbara, Calif., have leaked out the equivalent of about eight to 80 Exxon Valdez oil spills over hundreds of thousands of years.
    The fact of the matter is that drilling for Oil DECREASES the amount of oil in the ocean. If you hate oil polluted water...encourage drilling for oil.

finally Krill take a step to clear plastic polluted ocean

But this oil don't pollute nothing until we humans go to displace them from their bed

La Brea Tar Pits comes to mind.

From the actual study, sorry I did not grab the link all plastics, even those with chemical stabilisers, will eventually degrade in the environment. That's from the science study people. The study was actually kind of fun to read even had some nice pictures, not many but some.

Yea, there are some other bacteria or micro organisms that also enjoy dining on plastic and oil. I do wonder if their poop is toxic though and if fish eat the krill before its pooped out what effect it has on them long term.

Interesting post again, keeps us thinking.

China is raping our seas of krill as they actually eat it so I just hope there will will be enough left to take care of the plastic problem.

yea. haha. They decided to go against international agreements and fish the seas around Antarctica , primarily for krill which they then add to others food to boost the nutritional value.

Looks like an interesting insect who can be used to clear the plastic waste material.

Krill is not an's Whale Food.

Oh thankyou for correcting me

So.. animals are adapting to eat our garbage? This world is doing its damn thing.

One of my friends has extracted a lot of oil from the normal plastic here. There is definitely a possibility.

The most miserable fallacies are those that are committed intentionally to persuade or manipulate others and especially the ignorant people; and this inevitably leads us to remind us of the politicians and the media, What ability to handle arguments or explanations that hide the great truths!. I think it is a specialization of these two actors (politicians and media) ... And yes, it is very important that people learn to differentiate a solid argument from one that presents lies ... It seems that fallacy, ignorance and populism or socialism, they are great friends.

finally Krill take a step to clear plastic polluted ocean

it looks like krill is a gift for us from our God.

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