Backlash against #MeToo

in #discussion7 years ago

is brewing

  • Men are scared, and feminists are delighted.

  • Female staffers and lobbyists have found “many male legislators will no longer meet with them privately,”

  • “I’m getting the feeling that we’re going back 20 years as female professionals,” said Green, who owns her company. “I fully anticipate I’m going to be competing with another firm that is currently owned by some male, and the deciding factor is going to be: ‘You don’t want to hire a female lobbying firm in this environment.’ ”


Imagine that. The term 'made your bed, now lay in it' comes to mind.

I'd say they've pretty much committed career suicide. In today's technological environment (telepresence, robotics, automation) gender no longer matters. You'd think that women would like that.

Why would an employer risk hiring women when disaster could result of an 'improper' word?
Why hire anyone? Why not contract instead. Pay for value received online?

'Fight for Fifteen'...same thing. The boat is sinking and they're drilling holes in the hull.



It's really all Hillary's fault, if only she was better at sucking dick, then maybe her husband would not have a slew of rape victims for Trump to parade out to the debates, and then they would not have to change the standards to what constitutes sexual assault to talking about grabbing pussy in private with other men a decade ago. Since the media changed that standard to try to bury Donald Trump now they have made their bed. Now that a kiss on the cheek from Donald Trump is tantamount to rape Matt Lauer's rape button is a problem. Indeed, they made their bed and they can lie in it. But they won't lie in it, they will lie about it.

Did she get his consent first?

obvious case of abuse.
in public...

photographic evidence..

This is the real reason she won't end up running for president. Trump will massacre her reputation with the piles and piles of photo evidence.

I'd say they've pretty much committed career suicide.

It's too bad the "non-feminist" women have to suffer the consequences along with the so-called feminists. (Though, everyone ultimately suffers I guess.)

'Fight for Fifteen'...same thing. The boat is sinking and they're drilling holes in the hull.

I think I've said this before but I heartily welcome our robot overlords, maybe my fast food will finally be what I actually ordered.

Seems to me that some of these women need to figure out that not everything is sexual harassment and "rape." Our culture has become too sensitive.

i think you talk about a great thing... your thinking is will running create this type posting....i waiting for your next post..

Great.nice talk.everyone will like this.thanks for sharing.keep it up.

I agree with you. Women have now been a promo tool that many in gendrungi ..

I agree with you, it is a very extensive issue, the important thing here is to hire people who have capacity and resolutive capacity and a lot of proactivity


I actually see this as a problem.

There is a real terrible industrial trafficking in children and women. When #pedogate began to finally burst open the floodgates and threatened to become a credible movement, which many still fail to see past the accusations of 'conspiracy theory' and investigate, the Weinstein/Hollyweird scandal hijacked it.

The cult of celebrity stole the thunder of the actual public and voluminous evidence researchers have been compiling and constantly drumming on altmedia, then was further coopted by #metoo, and sucked into the feminist deathroll, where it languishes today.

While hyper-estrogenated condescending wannabe hitleresses drive normal people away from the actual scandals involving trafficking of slaves, the public eye is diverted, and the suffering of innocents continues.

Unknown numbers of children have been murdered on the Isle of Jersey alone. Investigators are still digging up their shattered, burned bones at the homes (such as Haut de la Garenne) used to provide them for horrible abuses. At least hundreds of thousands of women have been trafficked for sex slavery, and many are also forced to provide slave labor in corporate sweatshops.

Cory Feldman has been making accusations for more than a decade regarding Hollyweird pedophiles and the casting couch. Despite this recent flood of proof of his accusations, further revelations of pedophilia and his own story has been suppressed, because the media are hiding the real truth behind the popular outrage over #metoo.

I'm not unhappy that feminists are proving just how dangerous and idiotic they are.

I'm brokenhearted that this ploy by propagandists has successfully prevented the dam breaking over the malign bastards that are, like Dennis Hastert, promoted to political office because they are pedophiles and are completely held hostage by intelligence agencies and venal thugs with blackmail.

pick your battles.
you can only do what you can do.
credibility is important.

I have chosen to oppose lies, slavery, and oppression.

I'm not faint of heart, and don't require the approval of the masses.

As a parent, I lived to protect my kids.

I'll keep doing it.

If alternative energy was my childrens' enemy, that would be me =p

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