Fake News

in #discussion7 years ago

What part of SECRET, do they not understand

  • After reports Monday that the satellite suffered some sort of failure, ” it said.

What actually happened was 'sources that would only speak on the condition that they're identities not be disclosed' speculated that something bad had happened. At first they said that that Zuma did not separate and burned up on re entry. They had zero evidence to make the claim.

undisclosed sources is MediaSpeak for "the reporter was too damn lazy to get an interview with someone who actually KNEW something so the reporter made it up.

  • SpaceX rushed to defend its reputation, denying that it had done anything wrong. Its Falcon 9 rocket “performed nominally,

totally false. What actually happened was that the reporters FINALLY asked SpaceX what happened instead of making stuff up out of thin air. SpaceX didn't rush to do anything.

The whole article


It's hard to look at any news theses days and not question it.

Yuppers...me too...

why would you want to do that?
the news is not intended to inform
it's purpose is to shape and mold public opinion

So, you must have read the "Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012" in the 2013 NDAA which reversed the original Smith-Mundt Act that was meant to PREVENT propagandizing Americans with the media, and instead mandates use of the Lame-Stream-Media to "shape and mold public opinion" (legalese for propaganda)...how very astute of you...

they are one-sided

My first hint it was bullshit was "Washington Post"

good point.

HAHAHA...that's funny...and sadly correct...

its very valuable post for me.people of all ages learn and benefited from here. so thanks for sharing with us...good job..

I have to agree with your assumption...

It's not like it is the first time a Northrop Grumman satellite has not functioned after reaching orbit. Kind of telling when another satellite company, Iridium, says they are not concerned with Space-X ability to deliver. It does seem as if the report and everything that can be said is that Space-X did their job, no one said the same thing about Northrop Grumman.

the point I find interesting is that the sattelite is CLASSIFIED.
What part of SECRET does the news media not understand.

SpaceX...the military...can NOT comment.
Any day now I expect the news media to say something like
"The air force refused to deny that Zuma is intended to emit radiation that will sterilize Muslim Females".

what COULD the air force say other than 'no comment'?

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