Simon Parkes on Manchester Terror Attack

in #disclosure7 years ago

" Earlier in my warnings I had said - Multiple attacks expected across Europe - The attack in Manchester England last night is part of this pattern - Again no email / text or phone calls were used in the planning - The good guys in the security services have got to learn to move away from electronic warnings and resort to old fashioned methods - My information is one rucksack bomb and no guns - No further explosives.

As usual the authorities had just conducted another drill - We see this every time - A practice drill is conducted then the real thing happens - Hopefully people will begin to see the truth.

On my Sunday radio show I addressed this faction by reminding us all that ISIS or IS as it's called was created by a branch of Zionist / Mossad and Royal back up from Saudi Arabia all encouraged by a previous American administration - 95% of security is staffed by good people who are not involved and are not part of this evil. "

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