My Lucky Christmas Disaster: Un-insured Car Crash

in #disaster8 years ago

Christmas can be stressful, mine was especially. I will just get to the point. I used a car without insurance and got into an accident on Christmas eve… A big no no, from what I have been told.

Fines and suspended license is just the beginning.

Why was the car not insured?

Simply, we don’t use it. At least for the past few months, so I decided to not pay the insurance this month in order to save for Christmas. Unfortunately, on Christmas eve my girlfriend picked up her mom and kids using the normal car and I was at home. Everyone was meeting in town at her sisters house only a few miles away, so I decided to hop into the un-insured car and drive over. Stupid, I know, but what could really happen in such a short distance?
Well, on my way, I was told to get some wine, so I went to the liquor store, parked my car and went inside. On my way out, I watched a teenage kid with his parents (apparently learning to drive)

Smash into my parked car

I was freaking out. I don’t have insurance on this car!
But it was only slightly damaged, and the teenage boy was crying and whatever. Anyways, so I took down there insurance information and just honestly told them that this car wasn’t insured, so I’m not sure what to do and didn’t want the police coming out.
The messed up part was that the older man in the car laughed when I told him that, and said something smug like
Well, we lucked out. That means we don’t have to pay!”
Then he proceeded to call the police, who showed up shortly afterwards. This man was trying to get them to write me a ticket, and saying I should be responsible because I was illegally driving! He mentioned something like going to court. Best way to describe this fellow,

He was a DICK

I was terrified. Christmas eve and I could end up loosing my license and being fined a ridiculous amount. In situations like this, the only thing to do is sit down and have a smoke, and await the incoming punishments.

The police listened to his side first because he was the belligerent one, then they talked to a witness, and finally he came up to me.
“So, the car isn’t insured?”
Nope, not since last month.”
“Do you have a license?”

“Well, this is what has to happen. You can’t drive that car on the roads unless it is insured. Got that”
I said yes and nodded. Then he explained the situation.
“Since I didn’t see you driving and the accident occurred while the car was parked, you won’t be cited for ‘driving without insurance’. Since the car was parked in a private business, there are no laws that say a car must be insured to be parked there. From what I have gathered, the other driver is at complete fault and will be responsible for all damages.”

Oh My God

This made me smile so hard you could see the happiness radiate. But this wasn’t the best part, the officer then told me to have my car towed since my front wheel hit the curb and could be damaged! The towing fee would be part of the insurance settlement, and would keep me from having to remove it from the parking lot later.
I then called up my girlfriend who came and picked me up, and the tow truck took away my vehicle, and Christmas went on as usual except everyone needed to hear my story and tell me how dumb I was to drive without insurance.

Lucky little break for me

With such insignificant damage to my bumper and side panel, I will probably just take the cash settlement. The car is also 10years old and ready to be replaced!
Free money raining from the sky this Christmas, thank you Jesus.

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment
Please consider following me @generation.easy
A bitcoin fanatic and crypto enthusiast.

All images can be found on Google, I'm working on embedding credits.
Also, if anyone could quickly explain how to center images, that would be great.


Santa was good to you.

And what fricking grinch that other guy was. Poor teen had to listen to his, was it his dad, try to bully someone at Christmas. Pity for that family.

Glad you are ok.

Lol, yeah im guessing it was his dad. I didnt really think much of it while his son was balling his eyes out.
Im sure that made their christmas not so fun.
Thanks for the comment

Damn! You got lucky also he had it coming! Anyway, glad it sorted out quickly! Merry Xmas to you!

A happy ending that involves no insurance and cops? Inconceivable! Haha, that's awesome :)

Was pretty crazy and unexpected. I seem to attract weird happenings

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