Day 17 of the 5 Minute Freewrite- Dirty Dishes

in #dirtydishes7 years ago

I wasn’t active on Steemit for the past 6 days and I’d elaborate on why I was inactive in another post. Now that I am back and feeling a little better, I thought of getting back to my writing mode with the 5 minute freewrite challenge. It is a good way to get back in track and let your creative juices flowing. This time, @mariannewest gave us the option of picking any prompt from the previous days and since I missed out on a few of them, I chose one that I felt strongly about which is ‘dirty dishes’ so let’s dive right in.

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Dirty dishes are something I just cannot stand. I am not an extremely organized person or a clean freak, but I am not messy either. I like to keep my house clean and in order. Yes, there are days when there is a little mess here and there but that happens quite seldom when I am down with fever or when I am extremely exhausted. However, mostly my house is in a good order because I cannot stand a messy, unorganized one.

The one part of my house I particularly like to keep spick and span is my kitchen. A messy kitchen really boils me up and makes me go insane with anger. A few days back, my kitchen witnessed some of the most terrible days ever but luckily, I rescued it in time. My husband Yasir is quite helpful and has agreed to do a few household chores of which one was to do dishes.

Although he did use to wash dishes almost every day, his style of doing any work is completely opposite to mine. He likes to take his time with things and do something when he truly feels compelled to do it. Because of this, my kitchen sink used to be occupied with dirty dishes almost always. I was always having trouble finding my utensils and spoons while cooking and in the one month that he did the dishes, I hardly ever found my kitchen in good shape.

So 3 days back I decided that enough was enough and I could no longer see my kitchen in pain and took away that chore from him. I could stand it if the laundry wasn’t done on time or if the clothes weren’t ironed properly but I cannot stand dirty dishes at all!! Now my kitchen smells good, the dishes are always done on time and the counter is spick and span. Ah, the life!

The timer beeped so had to end but yeah I could go on for some more time on this prompt. Now I’ll go and check some freewrites by the other writers in this challenge. Till next time, love and light,



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Hope you r feeling better now sweetie. Loved your spontaneous writing. I too hate to see loads of dishes in my kitchen:) . Upvoted and following u as always . Take care of yourself.
Regards Nainaz

Yes I am a little better now. These wounds take time to heal. Thank you so much for your love and concern @nainaztengra. It means so much to me. Yes, dirty dishes in kitchen are always a nuisance. :P

Kudos to Yasir! That's the way..freedom from chores for husbands .. yeah 😜🤙💪

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