in #digitalsodaf5 years ago (edited)

If we had taken time to study the CMA Road map we will realized the full mission and goal. CryptoMarketAds are extending the scope of their business to Countries in Europe, Asia South Korea and the American Continents .This Prestigious company is willing transform Online marketplace positively though they intend to kick start with Cryptocurrency marketing service and providing Offering Marketplace. They will open an entry point Globally into Cryptocurrency market place for the existing , new and offline marketing service.This will surely boost the Global adoption of Cryptocurrencies and creating Global audience for Blockhain technology and its advantages.

As i did mentioned earlier, CryptoMarketAds is willing to resolve some major problems in the Cryptocurrency market place by offering a viable marketplace which will benefit the advertisers and Publishers and enabling them conducting their commercial activities in a democratic and fair Marketing environment. Advertisers and Publishers compete on the Platform using different form of marketing and advertising techniques i.e reduction in price .Advertisers will run their their marketing campaign in the most effective and trusted manner without needs for advertising team of huge finance.CryptoMarketAds is a Democratic decentralized Cryptcurrency advertisement Platform . The mission is not limited to Crypto advertisement and marketing alone but to establish a broad and Global marketplace for general goods and services. CryptoMarketAds will be Powered by Blockchain and the nature of the marketplace will be totally decentralized. CryptoMarketAds will connect the world together and there would be no geographical restriction .Everyone can transact on the Platform will not limit .

The mission of CMA includes changing the promotional techniques of the dealers and improving the techniques they adopt in promoting their goods and services through Peer to Peer (P2P) System .CryptoMarketAds will be providing an online interactive mechanism like Drag and Drop market place builder and ICO Platform designed for marketplace to achieve success of the investors and stakeholders involved.The goal of CMA is to bring positive transformation around Global online marketplaces by kick starting it with Cryptocurrency marketing adverts and promotions. CryptoMarketAds will establish an enabling environment which will take Blockchain and Cryptocurrency to the main stream by creating all avenues to create Global audience .


So many Online marketing Platform has condemned and banned crypto advertisement due to the alarming rate of fraudulent activities organizers who are taking advantage of the decentralized nature of the industry to scam millions of people.Cost of paying for advertisement with Cryptocurrency is highly exorbitant unlike the charges in Centralized Platform. Cryptocurrency marketing is highly complicated and burdensome, some influences charges is very high.
There are so many problems this Platform will solve in Cryptocurrency Space in which I will highlight few of them . CryptoMarketAds has made it a Priority to establish an healthy and secure marketplace for the Global Crypto users. ICO Promoters, Influence rs and Project executives will have a medium to advertise their services .CryptoMarketAds will be an Haven of ICO and general Crytpo market information . Cryptocurency adverts will be more sustainable and effective through CMA Platform .

CMA respresent an online marketing plafform solely designed to all crypto projects . It will offer a great deal of benefit in the crypto currency space considering how so many platform disallowed crypto adverts .CryptoMarketAds will unfify advertisers , the bounty hunter , crypto Project exectives ,influencers , publishers, content producers and many more KEY Players in Crypt space on a single platform to serve them efficiently .Marketing spaces can be purchased from the high ranked publishers and adverstisers to ensure the success of their various project.


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Authors info
Bitointalk username : lohladex
Bitcointalk profile url :;u=2328928
Eth adddress: 0xd8bcd4b152bd2ac173deb15d14160ed1225f0e05

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 63099.80
ETH 2455.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.58