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RE: So we are selling all our stuff and will hit the road... again

Read your post, and immediately thought of @markwhittam, of course I didn't remember the name but remembered the story. He was 1 of the first people I followed more than a month ago, anyhow, I hope this isn't sounding like a spam. It took me a long time to scroll back to his post to get his name. I look at it as connecting 2 like minds. He and his family are living in a moving tiny house, sort of similar to what your talking about.
Are you sure you don't work for Amazon? I already spend to much with them on books, but you keep tempting me with future books. I am going to have to put them in the wish list and check them later.
I think it is amazing that you are doing this.
Also reminds me of the following scripture;

Mark 10:21
Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”



Thanks for mentioning @markwhittam , checked out his profile : followed !

Hehe interesting quote. Not quite there yet. Funny you should mention it though : I have been wondering: would it be possible to get " rich" on Steemit by giving all your SBD's you earn from your author share to your commenters?

As far as the books go : give me some time,will dissect various of them in posts I think!

I have been wondering: would it be possible to get " rich" on Steemit by giving all your SBD's you earn from your author share to your commenters?

It is an intriguing question, and obviously, ​depends on your definition of "rich"

Luke 10:27
So he answered and said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’

(emphasis mine)


Hehe, well to avoid pitfalls with the "rich" definition : Having more money coming in than going out for the quality of life you want.

Many people make wrong assumptions though about how little can buy you a great quality of life if you are able to be flexible : that is the objective of the exercise with our trip, see hew much flexibility we can create in our lives !

"Sharing yourself to riches " occurred to me when looking at the reward system : if giving away all generates more visibility and upvotes, your profile grows while doing good for your neighbour. We have to realize that without success for the platform and other members , we will not succeed either. So yes, you quote quite aptly ! It is one of the new rules for the new economy by Kevin Kelly : | wrote about that here: also has a 5.00 SBD prize up for grabs for the best commenter!

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