Digital Gold - The New Era Of GoldsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #digitalgold4 years ago

For a person to turn into an entrepreneur or a speculator and become monetarily free, one must have wellsprings of easy revenue. This can without much of a stretch be accomplished by putting resources into organizations or assets with sound development potential. Without a doubt, one of such resources is gold.


Gold has continually being a looked as an assets for financial specialists and purchasers alike; for speculators — it gives a way to develop their venture after some time and as a store of riches, for buyers, be that as it may, it gives probably the best material for making extravagance things — from autos to wristwatches, gems, and other Veblen merchandise. These have served to further build the interest for the valuable metal.

Gold throughout the years has substantiated itself as a commendable speculation. In the course of recent years, it has encountered a huge rise in estimation of over 97% making it one of the most wanted things for luxury products gatherers.


For the normal investors, obtaining genuine gold for venture purposes couldn't be any increasingly dreary — from the recording of various desk work for suitable character check, to the legitimate procedures engaged with the exchange, the outsiders associated with the exchange, and the protected storage of the gold.

This procedure expends time as well as important assets for the payment outsiders engaged with the exchange. This has served to prevent financial specialists who don't have significant funding to put resources into gold.


The procedure for the buying of gold does not empower little capital ventures, totally barring a huge level of dynamic speculators from the gold markets. So as to make gold accessible to all classes of financial specialists, DIGITAL GOLD LTD has built up the token called Gold Token.

GOLD is a ERC20 Token convention of the Ethereum framework. A GOLD token gives coverage to one gram of fine investment grade gold of 99% purity. This makes it simple to make little measured interests in gold without the issues of immaterial desk work, taking into consideration the moment and anonymous buy of gold.

Since GOLD just gives coverage of the measure of gold bought, the genuine gold which backs the GOLD token is physically dedicated to the organization's vault, henceforth, at whatever point GOLD tokens are obtained, a comparable measure of gold is vaulted.

Customary reviews of GOLD and the measure of gold in the organization's vault is taken by the trustworthy BullionStar — an accomplice of the undertaking. DIGITAL GOLD is a liquidity-supplier, along these lines institutional evaluation financial specialists and huge capital speculators can make huge GOLD buys without the dread of lacking gold supply.


GOLD furnishes holders with the security of acquiring gold while guaranteeing that tokens don't fill in as only a store of significant worth, in contrast to gold. GOLD holders can without much of a stretch profit by the value security, long haul thankfulness in the estimation of gold just as advantage from the utilization of the token for every day costs and buys. A portion of the real advantages of the utilization of GOLD include:

Consistent, anonymous, and instant moment buy of gold, financial specialists can without much of a stretch and immediately buy gold through GOLD. This dispenses the intervention of third parties while making gold proprietorship simple and unknown.

Secure capacity of gold: Any financial specialist hoping to put resources or invest into gold must have suitable capacity set up so as to guarantee its security. GOLD token holders need not stress over, for example, the physical gold is safely stored in the DIGITAL GOLD organization's vault, guaranteeing asset security consistently.

Access to extortion free worldwide markets: The gold market is a worldwide one with various governments holding gold in its stores. The gold market which is overwhelmingly open to huge capital people and organizations is made effectively available to all frameworks of financial specialists through GOLD.

GOLD can likewise be utilized to support against different cryptographic forms of money, giving capital security on account of high unpredictability digital money economic situations because of its value soundness and price stability.


Acquiring GOLD couldn't be any simpler; the DIGITAL GOLD platform is a completely practical environment which has its very own MarketPlace. GOLD tokens can without much of a stretch be traded for crypto coins like Bitcoin and Ether.

The Marketplace is outfitted with essential instruments to help with market analysis and price projection. The buy and sell framework is conveyed by smart contracts, taking into consideration consistent exchanges.

So as to encourage further liquidity for GOLD, it will be recorded on more trades. GOLD is likewise accessible for buy on


The part of quality and quantity

To to be able to reach a larger market — both cryptocurrency and gold investors, it is necessary for Digital Gold as a platform to employ the services of expert digital marketers and influencers to drive traffic to their social media channels while creating an engaging online community.

Featuring the platform in top media publications like ForbesYahoo FinanceCCNCoinTelegraphInvesting.comand Hackernoon which have a large reader-base could prove invaluable in bringing Digital Gold to the attention of potential investors.

Also, the inclusion of more incentivized community activities directed towards increasing the online presence of Digital Gold would serve to further increase the project’s online visibility.

Realizing that all great things take time, I believe that in the nearest future, Digital Gold will become one of the most preferred means of investing in the highly liquid and profitable gold markets.

As an investor, I would always seek to use more transparent platforms that are dedicated to improving their brand through partnerships, security audits, and regular community updates.

I had to take my time to outline the differences to inform individuals interested in investing in gold via cryptocurrency realize that although platforms similar to Digital Gold exist, Digital Gold offers numerous advantages over existing alternatives.

Why not find out more on Digital Gold by reading the Whitepaper or help grow the online community by following the project on social media platforms like TelegramTwitter, or Facebook.

This article published by fauzan123

Ethereum Address : 0xcAD9187D8fB2528e2e464d49d3e11c4848821741

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