Loyalty Rewards Program: The First Use-Case Of DigitalBits

in #digitalbits5 years ago


The goal of the DigitalBits Project is to influence the public reception of crypto and distributed ledger innovation. Expansive innovative movements are regularly met with opposition, and in the present condition of the market, crypto sit at a cross-road — a progressive innovation with not many clients.

Two primary hindrances looked by Crypto today are:
  1. They need a shift in educated conduct, and individuals are inalienably impervious to change

  2. The crypto community is little, with utilize constrained to roughly 1% of the worldwide populace

So as to illuminate the challenge of crypto mass reception, one must find solutions to the above listed challenges. How would you present another innovation, while needing drastic shift in people's attitudes, & all the while port a large number of clients into an ecosystem?

The unwaveringness and prizes loyalty industry gathers roughly 48 billion USD in incentive on a yearly premise in the US alone. Of this, around 33% goes unused. You would be unable to discover somebody who isn't required with some unwaveringness program. Current projects experience the ill effects of centralized system, have a baffling client experience, need liquidity, and exist in storehouses that fundamentally confines how buyer funds can be make used of. With billions of USD in esteem, a large number of existing clients and apparent usefulness concerns, the loyalty rewards market was a conspicuous decision as the principal use instance of DigitalBits innovation.


Loyalty & Rewards Points have three key attributes:
  • They are a current digital resource

  • Buyers know about focuses, how to gain and recover them

  • These focuses exist in the pockets of millions

The DigitalBits network has been developed to work as an executing and trading layer for different digital resources. Constructed mix prepared, existing applications can use the advantages of DLT innovation, while shoppers keep on utilizing applications they know about, requiring no change in educated conduct. By tending to loyalty as a first use case, DigitalBits expands the utility of an effectively existing digital resource, expanding the apparent estimation of focuses and suppliers, and giving purchasers self-sufficiency over their advantages.


At the heart of the DigitalBits network is its multi-bounce ability. Current prizes programs are siloed, and it tends to be an exhausting undertaking to exchange an incentive starting with one program then onto the next, not to mention outlandish. So as to give customers full authority over their esteem, multi-bounce makes liquidity, even without an immediate market. Permitting trades up to six degrees, multi-bounce innovation makes an ideal trading condition, wherein the exchange of significant worth can be organized between various substances, guaranteeing that every individual gets the advantage they need. This will enable customers to completely enhance the esteem they aggregate through loyalty.

Different highlights that will refresh the devotion and prizes space are:
  • fluid focuses

  • high throughput (limit with respect to up to 10 000 exchanges for each second, 3– 5 second affirmation times)

  • adaptable for any business or sector

  • transparent expenses

  • incorporation prepared

  • no broker (lessens superfluous expenses and expels incorporated authority over the system)

DigitalBits is a universally useful distributed ledger, concentrated on use case usage. The network focuses and compensates industry as of now experience the ill effects of restrictions that adversely sway the two makers and purchasers. Using the DigitalBits infrastructure, we can propel the dependability business and convey the advantages of distributed ledger to its huge client base, while driving the mass reception of digital assets.

Avail yourself with more information about the project by checking any of the following links below:

My Details

BTT Username: Petchant
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2376401

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 64294.64
ETH 3491.72
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53