Admiring the Romanesque art of Zamora

in #digitalart4 years ago


Today I wake up with the desire to retake my tales of the road, from which I am sure that uncooked witches and tin dolls will flee, to continue inviting those who want to accompany me to know something more about the impressive cultural heritage of one of the most interesting and ancient cities from my country: Zamora.


As I said on a previous occasion, the Zamorano is a character deeply proud of owning an interesting variety of temples, belonging to an art that for centuries was considered the quintessential prototype of Christianity: the Romanesque.


It is not surprising, therefore, that they boast of having 'the best Romanesque', although this is a not entirely correct statement and should be replaced, as I have already said, by a quantitative rather than a qualitative expression, since in that sense, in that of quality, does not have, of course, exclusivity.


But we could consider the importance it had in the Middle Ages, based on the astonishing number of Romanesque temples it possessed, many of which, with more or less later additions, still remain standing and constitute, not just a treasure. cultural of the first magnitude, but an important incentive for tourists and visitors.


Perhaps motivated by this or due, perhaps, to an excess of zeal in relation to the image rights of some temples that belong to everyone, the Zamorano is also of a distrustful nature and before allowing photographs of the interior of the temples, I ask you, yes, with education, your national identity document and write down all your personal data in a list, which can be as black or as absurd, as others that I prefer not to mention.


Although yes, I think that the visit to these beautiful descendants of that art, based on the divine concept of measure, harmony, proportion or balance - as Saint Bernard said - deserves, at least, stoically to face some other inconvenience.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.

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Preciosos los colores de las piedras de la arquitectura religiosa zamorana y me encantó también esa figura como de ¿sirena? que has fotografiado, como siempre, nos acercas a ciudades de una belleza poco estridente pero que vale la pena conocer, abrazos amigo juancar.

Hola, estimado amigo. Sí, en efecto, se trata de una sirena, un motivo recurrente en el arte románico, que generalmente suele ser interpretado como una alusión a la lujuria, si bien, detrás de sus simbolismos, haría mucho que discutir, pues también hay teorías que ven en el número de sus colas, una referencia a esas corrientes telúricas del lugar. Zamora es una villa antigua, pero que tuvo mucha relevancia en la Edad Media y como se puede ver, fue un centro de mucha actividad de los gremios canteriles de la época. Un abrazo

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