in #digital6 years ago (edited)

Locked in my vault for over 10 years!!!!!
Rare sight:
Apparition of NIBURU
over Waterton Lakes National Park!!!!

turning down repeat offers by tabloid papers over all these years, I waited for the right moment to publish this photo! Luckily Steemit came along, and now I cannot hide it anymore!

Or could it have been PLANET KOLOB

considering that the Alberta Mormon Temple is not far from there in Cardston?

The picture was taken late afternoon with my old trusted Samsung Pro 815 on September 16th 2007 at Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta, Canada.

Actually, here is the photo I took that same day (tongue-in-cheek - "moments before the appearance"):


Waterton Lakes National Park - shore of Upper Waterton Lake
below, a lower POV from the same spot


I then took a detail from that sky, pushed it in curves and through filters, and finally globalized it and cloned it - perfect tabloid material!

Coming to a theater near you:
Encounter with Niburu
(or Kolob - I have not made up my mind about that).


PLEASE NOTE: It appears that this site Steemit Image , developed by @blueorgy is no longer updating images. The "newest" photos on it are from several months ago, and the developer has not been active on Steemit for half a year!
I guess I will have to change my footer!
Maybe to this one? I used it once or twice ages ago:


The 12th planet ... this was a great book.

Twelfth Planet: Book I of the Earth Chronicles (The Earth Chronicles) by Zech...

never read it - but it seems to be the mother of all fiction that followed, like Stargate etc 👽

It is a very good read ...

Awesome.... we all come from Planet X

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