Fight the forthcoming global crisis

in #digital6 years ago (edited)

"Never be afraid to be yourself!

  • There is only one YOU. Love with all your heart. Laugh until your side's hurt.
  • Smile at EVERYONE. Hold the belief that the whole world is on your side.
  • Strive for the best, be the best, require the best that life has to offer.
  • Be true to the best of yourself. Don't compromise, don't give in, and don't give up.
  • Settle for nothing less than what you deserve- the best."

Thanks to the G20 ensuring everyone is in the same boat, thanks to China’s stimulus to most of the world economy, and thanks to the long-term accumulation of excessive debt, the dynamics behind the next crisis promise to be greater than anything seen heretofore.

Therefore, it looks like the timing will be set by the violent transformation of the ECB’s monetary policy from saving the system from the last crisis, to a realisation that if they don’t act quickly, we will be into the next one, and then the eventual realisation that they must raise interest rates even more sharply. We can tentatively pencil in a date sometime between the middle and the end of next year for this final act, and probably put a time limit on it of early 2019.

How it plays out is another story for another article, but at least we can begin to expect where and roughly when the next credit - fueled crisis is due to happen.

Hey friends,

I'm writing to you from the future.

I know this is a little weird, but it's the only way I could get a message through to you - and know that you got
it ;)

It's 2028 - which should be just about 10 years out from when you get this information.

I know that you've done a lot in your life so far - but I want to tell you that there is something much bigger in store for you in the not-too-distant-future...

...the problem is that there a few things you MUST learn in order to achieve your destiny... but...


Well, there's no easy way to tell you this.


Here goes nothing:

If you don't step up your game in the next couple of weeks - this future that I live in...

The one I'm writing to you from...

It won't exist.

Not at all.

If things keep going they way they are right now - then everything is doomed.

And when I say everything - I mean EVERYTHING!

As you progress you're going to run into some problems.

Some SERIOUS problems.

There are some BIG things in store for you - but in order to accomplish them you're going to face your worst fears...

You're going to go up against obstacles that you've never imagined...

You MUST persevere.

You MUST stay focused.

You MUST be relentless every day driving toward your goal - your vision - your DESTINY!

You are going to be tremendously successful IF you are relentless - ALWAYS - in everything you do.

Remember this the next time your spine quivers...

The next time you consider giving up...

The next time you face a challenge you aren't up for.

Press on.

Go forth.

Great wealth awaits you.

If only you have the courage to step forward and grasp what I've left behind for you.

You've already taken massive steps toward your own progress - I understand!

It's time to make the next move.

Everything you need for Phase 1 is HERE:

See you in 10 years.

... It's going to be incredible (I hope you make it - for everyone's sake)

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