in #digicel7 years ago






Just some other dates to consider:
9/20/15 Death of Jake Brewer, White House IT Staffer
2/12/16 Death of Antonin Scalia SCOTUS
4/18/16 Death of John Jones, WikiLeaks Attorney
5/1/16 Death of Gary R. Welsh, Immigration Attorney & blogger
5/11/16 Death of Michael Ratner, WikiLeaks Attorney
6/22/16 Death of John Ashe, UN Official
6/23/16 Death of Mike Flynn, Brietbart editor
7/8/16 Death of Molly Macauley, Space Economist
7/10/16 Death of Seth Rich, DNC Data Director
7/22/16 DNC Leaks by Wikileaks begin
7/25/16 Death of Joe Montano, IT for DNC
8/1/16 Death of Victor Thorn, American Free Press writer & author
8/2/16 Death of Shawn Lucas, attorney who filed lawsuit against DNC
10/22/16 Death of Gavin Macfadyen, WikiLeaks Director



Denis O’Brien, age 57, Chairman, founded Esat Telecom Group (“Esat”) in 1991 to compete against the former state-owned telephone company in Ireland, Eircom plc. In October 1997, Esat, of which Mr. O’Brien was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, listed on Nasdaq (New York), Easdaq (Amsterdam) and the Iseq (Dublin). Esat, over a five-year period, raised $1 billion in equity and bonds in a number of successful U.S. and European public offerings. Esat established itself as the number two telecommunications company across the full spectrum of telecommunications services (corporate and residential), fixed-line, GSM mobile, data and Internet services and brought real competition and choice to the Irish telecommunications market. Esat Telecom Group plc was sold to British Telecom Group plc in January 2000 for $2.8 billion. Mr. O’Brien was voted Ireland’s Entrepreneur of the Year in 1998 in the inaugural running of the worldwide competition organized and sponsored by Ernst & Young. Mr. O’Brien is also a director of a number of private companies, which hold some of his other business interests including Quinta do Lago SA, Topaz Energy Group Limited and Communicorp Group Limited. In addition, Mr. O’Brien is the Chairman and Co-Founder of Frontline, the International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and a member of the board of Concern Worldwide. He holds a BA degree from University College Dublin and an MBA from Boston College, and he has an honorary Doctorate of Laws from University College Dublin. Mr. O’Brien is also Chairman of DHCAL and DPL. Mr. O’Brien became the Chairman of our board of directors on October 20, 2000.

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Leslie Buckley, age 70, Vice Chairman, is a founding director of our board of directors and has been actively involved in the development of our pan-Caribbean GSM network. Mr. Buckley was involved in the start-up of Esat Telecom Group plc and Esat Digifone Limited and held the position of acting chief operating officer of Esat Telecom during 1996 and 1997. Mr. Buckley established his own consultancy business in 1990 and has since been retained on a number of key public and private sector appointments. These include the restructuring of Waterford Crystal plc, the restructuring and sale of Irish Steel plc, consulting work with Irish Rail and the restructuring of Aer Lingus (Ireland’s national airline). Mr. Buckley is currently the Chairman of Another 9, and a director and shareholder of a number of other Irish companies including Siteserv and Bayhill Enterprises Limited. He was a nominee of the Minister for Transport on the Board of Aer Lingus Group plc from 2009-2012. In August 2012, he was appointed Chairman of Independent News and Media plc, having previously served on the Board from March 2009 to June 2011. In January 2009, Mr. Buckley established Haven, to help the people of Haiti through the provision of shelter, sanitation facilities, training and income generation initiatives to encourage long-term, sustainable development in Haiti. Mr. Buckley is also Vice Chairman of DHCAL. Mr. Buckley became a director of our board of directors on October 20, 2000.

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Colm Delves, age 49, Chief Executive Officer and director. Mr. Delves joined us as our Chief Financial Officer in May 2004 and was appointed our Chief Executive Officer in July 2005. Mr. Delves is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. Mr. Delves was employed by Hibernia Foods plc from May 1992 until October 2003, serving on the board of directors and as Finance Director. Prior to this he was employed by KPMG, Chartered Accountants, in Dublin from October 1987 until May 1992. He attended Dublin City University and in 1987 received a B.A. in Accounting and Finance. He is also a director of DHCAL and DPL.


Lucy Gaffney, age 55, non-executive director, was Chief Operating Officer at Esat Telecom in Ireland when it was acquired by British Telecom Group plc in January 2000. Ms. Gaffney’s involvement with Esat Telecom spanned six years, during which time she held a number of senior positions, including Chief Operating Officer, Director of Marketing and Managing Director of Esat Clear, Esat’s residential division. Prior to this, Ms. Gaffney was managing director of The Ideas Company, where she was an advisor to Esat Digifone in its successful bid and subsequent launch as Ireland’s second GSM mobile phone operator. She has also held senior positions with the Irish Press Group plc and Bell Advertising. Ms. Gaffney is currently Chairperson of Communicorp, an independent radio group with 25 radio stations in four countries and a director of Independent News and Media plc and Topaz Energy Group Limited, the largest distributors of fuel products in Ireland. In January 2006, Ms. Gaffney was appointed Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the National Action Plan against Racism by the government of Ireland. She is also a former director of Ulster Bank Limited (Irish subsidiary of Royal Bank of Scotland). During 2000, she was appointed to the Strategic Advisory Board at Tesco Ireland (British grocery retail chain) and the government-sponsored Campus Ireland Board. Ms. Gaffney was also a director of the 2003 Special Olympics World Games. Ms. Gaffney is also a director of DHCAL and DPL. Ms. Gaffney became a director of our board of directors on October 20, 2000.

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Sir Julian Horn-Smith, age 66, non-executive director, was one of the founding members of The Vodafone Group Plc and considered one of the principal architects in the development of Vodafone’s International Strategy. He was awarded a Knighthood by Her Majesty the Queen in 2005 in recognition of his services to international telecommunications. He retired from the Vodafone Board in July 2006, where he had held the positions of Chief Operating Officer and subsequently that of Deputy Chief Executive Officer. Sir Julian is a Senior Advisor to UBS Investment Bank in London. He is a member of the Supervisory Board of VimpelCom Limited and was until February 2015, a senior advisor to the board of Etisalat (telecommunications group based in the United Arab Emirates). He is a Senior Advisor to the Board of CVC (Telecoms and Media) and is a member of the Advisory Board of LetterOne Technologly. He was previously a member of the Board of Lloyds Banking Group Plc, retiring in May 2012. In addition to his directorships, Sir Julian is the Co-Chairman of the TATLDiL Conference (British and Turkisk Conference) and is the Pro Chancellor of Bath University. He is a Trustee of the Hope for Tomorrow Charity. Sir Julian became a director of our board of directors on October 1, 2006.

Seamus Lynch, age 46, non-executive director, joined Eircom plc in 1990 in its New Enterprise Department identifying new businesses opportunities for the company. In 1993, he was transferred to Eircell (Eircom’s mobile arm) as GSM sales development manager. Mr. Lynch joined Esat Telecom in early 1994 as part of its GSM license bid team and he managed, for two years, the successful application for Ireland’s second GSM license, ahead of international competitors such as AT&T Wireless, Millicom, Deutsche Telekom, Tele Danmark and SBC. Mr. Lynch then transferred to project management, where he helped to set up Esat Digifone and assumed the position of National Sales Manager. On the sale of Esat Telecom Group plc to British Telecom Group plc, Mr. Lynch joined us as Chief Operating Officer for Digicel Jamaica. A year after the successful launch of the company, Mr. Lynch was named Chief Executive Officer of Digicel Jamaica and from October 2002 to December 2004 he served as our Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Lynch is also a director and shareholder in Chill Insurance, Ireland’s fastest growing on- line Insurance provider. He is vice Chairman of DPL and a director of DHCAL. Mr. Lynch became a director of our board of directors on August 19, 2004.


Patrick J. Mara, age 73, non-executive director, is a leading figure in Irish politics and chaired the successful election campaigns of the current main opposition political party in Ireland from 1997-2007. He was a member of the Irish Senate from 1981-82. He was Press Secretary to the leader of the opposition party from


1982-1987, before becoming Press Secretary to the Irish Prime Minister Mr. Charles J. Haughey and the Irish Government from 1987-1992. Mr. Mara is the Chairman of Mara Associates, advisors in financial public relations and public affairs to financial institutions, public companies and transnational corporations. Mr. Mara is a board member of UNICEF Ireland and of the NUI Galway Foundation. He is also a director of Eco Burner Limited, a private Irish company. He is also a director of DPL. Mr. Mara became a director of our board of directors on December 17, 2003.

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Gregory Sparks, age 63, chairman of the audit committee and non-executive director, is a founder and partner of FGS, a firm of business advisors and consultants with offices in Dublin and Belfast. Mr. Sparks has over 30 years of professional experience in accountancy and corporate finance. His areas of expertise include corporate finance, program planning, and implementation and change management. Recent projects in which Mr. Sparks has been involved include advising, negotiating and agreeing revised financial structures on behalf of clients with private equity houses, the recent “fit for purpose” report on the Department of Justice on behalf of the Irish Government and the completion of the privatization of the energy division of Bord Gais. Formerly he had a central role on the restructuring of Eircom (an Irish telecommunication company formerly state owned), the largest private financial restructuring in Europe in 2012. He is a former member on the Audit Committee of the Houses of the Oireachtas (the House of Parliament) in Ireland, and a former Board member of the Irish Times, on which he chaired the Audit Committee. Presently on the Board of the Vhi, the largest health insurer in Ireland, Mr. Sparks chairs the Audit Committee of this company. Mr. Sparks became a director of our Company on August 19, 2004.

Sean Corkery, age 57, non-executive director, is an IT and Telecoms veteran with more than 35 years of experience in the industry. Mr. Corkery is currently Chairman and CEO of SiteServ, a leading infrastructure and utility support services company operating in various markets with particular specialization in Telecommunication and Oil and Gas industries. Before joining SiteServ, he held numerous senior positions, including Vice President, Global Supply Chain Operations for Dell Inc., Chief Operations Officer at Esat Telecom, Vice President of Global Operations at AST Computer/Samsung and director of Pacific Region Operations at Apple. He was a member of the Information Society Commission of Ireland, an independent advisory body to the Government, reporting directly to the Taoiseach (PM). Mr. Corkery was a Director of Seabrook Research (Software) from 1997 to 2004 and is currently a Director of Nualtra (medical nutrition), Topaz Energy Group (retail/fuel), and Chairman of Hibernia College (Post Graduate teacher training). He holds a B.A. from University College Cork. Mr. Corkery became a director of our Company on October 13, 2013.


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