Digibyte - the sleeping giant

in #digibyte7 years ago

Digibyte is the most undervalued cryptocurrency in the whole virtual currency world. I say this not as someone who wishes to pump the value of the coin, but as someone who has believed in Digibyte since 2014 when it got started. Back in 2014 we saw a similar trend as we are seeing today, numerous coins started popping out of nowhere, it became really hard to see, which coins actually held a promise and which did not. I personally was involved in numerous misjudgements and it took me almost a year to really appreciate Digibyte as the most promising alternative currency I could find. Funny enough, the situation still remains.

ClearBg DigiByte Bc Full.png

The sleeping giant

Digibyte has suffered some reputation disasters in the past years, people taking advantage of the ultimately best payment solution there is. Pump and dump groups have wreaked havoc and created an unwarranted reputation of a pump and dump coin for Digibyte. It has been super hard to spread the true message of Digibyte through out the cryptocurrency world, especially since the original strategy was to not advertise Digibyte, instead give it time and people will notice it. It is fair to say this strategy didn't work one bit, and today we can see coins like Bytecoin way above Digibyte. However, thanks to the recent changes in strategy, we can sense the sleeping giant starting to wake up from its sleep. In 2017 we saw Digibyte rise 26000% in price, that is 260 times what it was. The current value is even higher. But this is only the beginning.

What is Digibyte all about?

Digibyte is the best UTXO blockchain. It is ridiculously better in comparison to alternatives in the field, which are pretty much all in the top 10 of all cryptocurrencies. AND that is not all. It is still getting better.

Instead of me writing things in a paragraph, I believe these images will help you better grasp the idea behind dgb

Notice how the picture above says 280TSP. That is because it is already outdated. Digibyte is evolving so fast the the official material can't keep up. Now the transaction speed is already 560TSP or 1020TSP (hell I'm not even sure) and it doubles every two years! DGB will reach a woooping 280 000TSP by the year 2035, which will be 140 times faster than VISA and Master Card. The fees will also remain practically non-existent, of course, due the the nature of UTXO blockchains there will remain a fee to keep the blockchain healthy.

What makes DGB even further interesting is that it has 5 different algorithms. It is the only blockchain so far that has been able to change into a multialgo blockchain from a single algo blockchain, making it somewhat revolutionary in that sense.

That is still not all.

Digibyte has created a system which updates the mining difficulty after each block, meaning that it is useless to jump ship each time the difficulty goes up because DGB will adjust it accordingly. This was a big problem back in 2014 when multipools where jumping between small coins and hijacking the difficulty of the chains, haven't really heard this happening anymore, thanks to DGB distributing its technology to other well known coins such as Dogecoin.

Are you convinced yet?

Frankly it is really hard to summarize Digibyte. What isn't possible with digibyte is a better question. And unfortunately I don't have the answer to that question. Someone might know, but to me, digibyte enables everything, it is just a matter of willingness to develop the blockchain in that direction.


2018 will be big for Digibyte, unless we see the inevitable cryptomarket crash happening soon. Until then, I'm a strong believer in Digibyte along with Steemit and its unique community.

PS. Did I miss something important?


i like the way you put it.... the sleeping giant... i just bought like 10000 of them... ohhhh yeah... digibyte make me rich....

Well, to be honest it isn't my invention. Even McAffee called it the sleeping giant and I thought it was a fitting name.

Interesting post

Good that you liked it :)

What do you think price will be in USD by end of year 2018?

I really wouldn't want to speculate. I hope the price will go up steadily, but given the current total market capitalization of the whole cryptocurrency market, I think anything less than $1 per Digibyte is a gross understatement. Will we see that price? Really hard to say.

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