Digibyte is the functional version of Bitcoin!?!?

in #digibyte6 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin Issues:

Even though Bitcoin (BTC) is considered the leading pioneer within the entire Cryptocurrency space and has also become more popular, its limits have now began to surface. Major concerns including its scale-ability issues have led to multiple forks all trying to solve this problem such as BitcoinCash (BTCH) for example. However these forks are not all close to being perfect each and every one of them have issues of their very own, including the fact they are simply heavily centralized. Alternatives started to erupt and come about during this time where Bitcoin (BTC)’s problems led to the creation of altcoins where well over a thousand different crypto's have been created to try and solve Bitcoins problems in trying to be much more scale-able why having a mainstream use case for the future.

The reality behind the majority of these upcoming altcoins is most of them are just tokens that do not even have their own blockchains. Can you believe that!? Really? Not only that but most of these altcoins are actually pre-mined, which of a matter of fact would make them out to be heavily centralized, becoming light years away from the entire purpose of having blockchain technology.

Why The World Needs Digibyte

What the world really and we the people of today really need from blockchain technology is an Alternative Cryptocurrency that has the strengths of bitcoin, but in this case would be actually truly functional on top of this. My best guess is we need needsDigibyte (DGB) and everything it has to over, a coin that happens to have it's own blockchain which many want to be Bitcoins out there are missing today. Very similar to bitcoin (BTC), Digibyte is a true UTXO blockchain, and is world famous itself for having the longest UTXO. If you have no idea what this means hold on to your seats because that basicly means that it would be almost impossible to do a double spend attack on Digibyte. That aspect alone puts this Crypto on topf of the world and list for this type of of security and commands such rare unique value when it comes tothe application of blockchain technology for main stream everyday people use in the world today.

It really is a beautiful feeling as an investor to know Digibyte was never controlled by any single entity and has always been known for having a large community of people who believe in decentralization. Decentralization is what makes the desire to invest and believe in cryptocurrencies from the very beginning and now the people have Digibyte to look forward to as of the few cryptos that has still maintained it, and that alone makes it the most epic pick in a over populated market among thousands of others cryptocurrencies out there today.

In addition to all these features and hype Digibyte was designed to scale on-chain, while maintaining its core strength of decentralization. Unlike bitcoin whose scaling solutions for example the all mighty lightning network, would lead to a more centralized entity. And as we know it today the mass majority of altcoins out there that claim to being faster and more scalable than bitcoin (BTC) don’t have this advantage or upper hand against Digibyte. Digibyte without a shadow of a doubt has transactions that take seconds to execute, and at damn near a negligible cost.


You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

My best guess is we need needsDigibyte (DGB) and everything it has to over, a coin that happens to have it's own blockchain which many want to be Bitcoins out there are missing today.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

Really great.

I appreciate the analysis thanks

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