Why is Digibyte still Undervalued Coin?

in #digibyte6 years ago

DGB.jpg my digibyte prepared image

Digibyte for Me

What I think about Digibyte? Why I still support this Coin? We all know that DGB already exist for 4 years and still on the undervalued stage, I can say that this coin is still on upgrading process and still inventing and discovering new unique things that can help the cryptocurrency world.

I don't think they aim to dethrone bitcoin because I saw how the creator of this coin who is Jared Tate didn't use any apprehending types of marketing strategies just to promote it's coin when they started, they still intact focus on making more fastest and easiest friendly user things that can make the users of the coin satisfied, so I can say that this is a pure long term coin to hold but now I'm so pump up to digibyte because they accessing marketing world they hired pr firms and with the help of the community just like me it's a great promoting tool for the future of digibyte.


What will you do if Bitcoin dies?

The answer to this is we never know, as of now people really don't know the great values of Digibyte, I don't need to share the values on this article because I want you all to do research so you can learn from it and I just wanna share the values I take in my own experience on the cryptocurrency world and by being bullish more on digibyte coin as my future rather than bitcoin. The technology of Digibyte is the best cryptocurrency right now and still they keep on inventing different kinds of stuff that really amaze the users of the coins just like me.

Please watch this simple and short video that might you think for while about Bitcoin. I wanna remind people that this kinds of prophecy might be true, but I wanna state the facts that we must be prepared incase bad thing will going to happen. I know as a simple investor or an average user of cryptocurrency, you might didn't know about the inner and the brud concept of bitcoin and mining and transaction of blockchain, that's why I wanna share this video to brighten peoples minds.


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  • If you like what you read here, please consider follow me.

  • Invest in bitcoins (or in any altcoins) only the amount you can afford to lose!

  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your bitcoin and cryptocurrency investment.

  • Before investing in any cryptocurrency, check the people behind it, its mission, and other details to ensure that they are worth investing for. Don’t invest in something you don’t know.

  • This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an investment advice. Your actions are solely your own responsibility. There is no substitute for doing your own research.




I got no clue but what it is for??

to be honest with you, In my opinion, the complete answer to your question, Digibyte is like Bitcoin, A currency that is most faster and most easiest and safest to mine currency compare to any other cryptocurrency specially bitcoin.

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