A different WAY to deal with your failures in life.

in #different3 years ago (edited)

Failure is a part of the learning process and our life journey. So, why we are so afraid of our failures? Sometimes we win and sometimes we learn. There is no such thing as failure. Have you ever learnt anything from our success? But there are a lot of lessons you have learnt from your mistakes. Our purpose is to learn our lessons and mostly can be learnt through pain only. And pain can only be felt after we fail in something. Hence, failures are the most important part of our success.

Another reason is that right from childhood, we have been taught to come first in class, always win and if someone failed, that was considered his weakness and questions his capabilities. So, knowingly or unknowingly we fall into the trap of always winning. But in childhood, a baby falls and stand up 100 times learning to walk. If he would have thought at that time, I have failed, I can’t walk, I am not capable of walking. Then that baby would have never thought of walking and running.

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We have created wrong beliefs about failing through wrong society conditioning. This has become so ingrained in people that they can’t handle failure in life. Moreover, they are not seen in a good light in society. People only welcome successful people. But these successful people have come here only through the learning of their failures and mistakes in life. For example, if Thomas Edison had thought in his 999th attempt that I can't do this, I failed, he would never make the 1000th attempt where he finally invented the light bulb. Just imagine life without light. Similarly, if Albert Einstein had believed his school teachers that he is good for nothing, then we would have lost the historic genius of Mother Earth.

So, have faith. The best quality of time is that it never remains the same. Wait for the good times, coming soon in your life. Your all hard work will pay off one day. Your good time will gonna shock everyone who once considered you good for nothing. Bless yourself..

**EXTRA TIP for you to keep yourself motivated in bad times: Read one success story daily who have succeeded through great failures and struggles. You will find that there are far bigger problems in the world than yours. It will give you motivation and a feeling of gratitude. Gradually, you will feel a great change in your behaviour and how naturally you handle your life problems and circumstances.

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