Ever know the difference and their impact ?

in #difference7 years ago

What is their differences from dictionary?

Expect : is to like that we believe that something will happen.
Hope : is when we do not know whether something will happen or not but we want it to happen.

Well, I think of it as a continuum of potential measured along an axis of suffering to bliss.

With expectation, you feel entitled for something to happen. When it doesn't you are let down or upset. When it does happen, you don't really get any joy because it was part of the entitlement. Expectation has the negative potential for great suffering(-100) and the positive potential of, well, nothing (0).

With hope, you want something to happen and when it does, you are actually really happy. This is something you weren't guaranteed, so it is a gift, a bonus. But when it doesn't happen, it's completely okay because you knew all along that it most likely would not happen. Hope has the negative potential for no response (0), but the positive potential of bliss (100).

Assuming that one's goal is happiness, it is best not to set high standards. In fact, if you could go without any standards, eliminating your expectations completely, you would exist in a state of constant, though relative happiness. But as humans, we have come to believe that we are entitled to certain things--the source of all of our pain and expectation. Often, the more we receive, the more we take for granted and the more we feel entitled. The more we receive, the less happy we can become if we expect those things. The only thing that can ever let you down is expectation.

Hope this helps
Best wishes.

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