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RE: Drama alert... I repeat, drama alert.

in #didsomeonesaydrama6 years ago (edited)

I only just saw this, I am glad other people are thinking about the human behind behind the mask they have chosen. I really hope they are ok, and my offer will always stand, it is easy to feel backed into a corner and all that is left is to lash out. It might take time for this user to come around, but I really hope one day they do, and get to be surprised by the warmth they are welcomed with. At this point they are more succeeding in creating a community of people they have flagged, who find each other like this.

Some people do just enjoy trolling, and I can understand that, after they down voted the comment, I figured eh, someone having fun, not going to get in the way. If it makes them happy, good is coming of it. However seeing that they have updated a flag bot to have my banner image and some nice boobies for a profile pic, even updating the text, I can only think that is still an emotional response. I must have in some way hurt them with the comment, so they want to hurt back. I sincerely hope they don't think it was some kind of trap or ridicule. I am genuinely open to trying to understand this person and help heal the wound that has opened here. I just wish there was some way to have an actual discussion with this user and understand where they are coming from. I am not the only person who tried this though, and back before this all started kicking off, someone did try and talk with them. I guess I just wanted to try again, just in case they were getting tired of this. Whack-a-troll can be a fun game for the troll I guess, but I have become more and more convinced that isn't what is going on, and this person is really hurt.

It is amazing the amount of time they have put into serious targeting, back tracking like they did with you, it makes it feel a lot more personal. The other side of this is I really do worry about the effect is has on other users, I just hope they don't succeeding driving anyone off. Seeing so much of it together like this is really something.

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