TrustDice Frequently Asked Questions

in #dice6 years ago (edited)

Since we launched Trust Dice, we've made great achievements in terms of offering an EOS based game platform to our community members. We would like to express our gratitude to the players for their support of Trust Platform.
Token economic design is always the core of a dApp game. A good token economy will helps the growth of a platform, while a bad one will destroy a platform more quickly. By sharing this article, we hope that TXT community will get a better understanding of our token economic design and find your own strategy to play and win on Trust Platform.
We always believe that good communication makes a good community, and finally helps to build a great platform. So, let's begin now.

How does the mining mechanism works in Trust Dice ?

Our mining rules are already available in the webpage, but in these part we would mention some key features of our mining mechanism to help players understand it better. To start from the basics, our mechanism is very similar to Bitcoin mining mechanism. To list the main features :

  • The number of TXT distributed everyday is fixed with a daily pool of 5, 000, 000, 000 TXT (In first mining period, and will halve every 250 days).
  • The mining power is a key concept in our mining mechanism. Two factors would be important to increase your mining power. To wager more and to increase your mining bonus.The mining bonus is based on the amount of the TXT that you staked on that day and takes effect from the second day. Each player's mined TXT in a day will be decided by multiple factors. This makes the whole mining process with more fun and players have to figure out their own strategies.
  • We simply visualize our basic mining rules in Figure 1.

Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 9.55.28 PM.png

Figure 1: The mining day before 9 AM UTC

After summarizing the main features, we would like to list some key points that would be helpful for you to play the game:

  • Your mined TXT everyday would be distributed after 9 AM UTC and the Est. TXT mined section would give you approximate estimation of gainings before the mining ends each day (Notice the estimation will be different in different times of each mining day).
  • You should claim the mined TXT MANUALLY after 9 AM UTC.
  • Your mining bonus takes affect next day following your staking and it is reflected AUTOMATICALLY in the mining power calculation.
  • See figure 2.
    Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 5.02.15 PM.png

    Figure 2: The following day after 9 AM UTC

How does the payout mechanism works in Trust Dice ?
Another important part of the game is the payout system. Firstly, we will introduce the main features of the payout system.

  • The payout system is designed in a way that will reward those long-term TXT HODLers. This will help to keep the price of TXT stable and guarantee the sustainable growth of Trust Platform, which will finally benefit all TXT holders.
  • Players who stake TXT will get EOS dividends as payout everyday.
  • You will get your first payout 7 days after your first stake.The system will get a snapshot of your staked TXT each day at 8 AM UTC. The eligible staked TXT for payout is the lowest amount of staked TXT in the past 7 days. So, it's suggested to keep your staked amount stable or at least higher then zero to have eligible payout after 7 days. To get more details, please visit TXT Payout System Launch.
    Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 8.04.59 PM-2.png

    Figure 3: Staked History and Eligible Staked TXT

No staking TXT in the following day doesn't mean that you will have 0 eligible staked TXT in your seven day history. As far as you don't unstake your TXT, the snapshot of the day will record your total staked TXT(Figure 4).

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Figure 4

Following these explanations, after you had the chance to earn dividends from our payout pool, you should claim your dividends MANUALLY. You should go to the payout section of our page and claim your EOS gainings from my payout section(Figure 5&6).

Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 9.00.11 PM.png

Figure 5

Screen Shot 2018-12-21 at 9.14.48 PM.png

Figure 6

The whole system is bit complicated. To put it simple, every player has simple 3 ways to win on Trust Platform:

  1. Get free EOS/TXT on Faucet page;
  2. Win EOS/TXT by playing the game;
  3. Stake TXT to share payout everyday;

So, start and play on Trust Platform now! And feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feedbacks.

Also you can check this video made by one of Trust Dice fan, he explained mining and payout systems very well

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Hey TXT team, you' re doing a wonderful job! What do you think the platform will look like 6 months from now? What's the vision for the coming years?

we'll have a vision & strategy report for 2019 next week :)

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