#ULOG No. 7: Eating Too Much Fruits May Kill Us (Diary of a Dialysis Patient- Part 3)

Hi steemians!

Another day has passed. As usual, it was so busy and toxic in my workplace. My immediate supervisor was on official travel; hence, most of the work that needs to be done today were all passed down to me. Such a toxic day.

I know it's kinda flattering that my supervisor trusts me that much. And with that trust comes great responsibility. I cannot believe I am gonna be a super hero this day.

Anyways, I am a dialysis patient. Because of this rare gift from God, I tire easily. I tire ten times faster than a normal, healthy individual. Eight hours of sleep is also not enough for us. Ugh! Too much weird things from us. I feel like I am a senior citizen already. A senior citizen with disability. Sigh!

After work, there is still some boyfriend duties that I have to accomplish. I know that my girlfriend is very kind and considerate on my condition, but being with her kinda lift my spirits up. And she's lovely when she's happy.

We went to a newly opened establishment near her apartment. We bought groceries. Because the store was on its first day, shoppers crowded the whole place. It was too chaotic. Too stressful for healthy people; how much more to me? Too crowded. The place was also small. They were not expecting that much costumers.

We roamed around and bought the things we need. My girlfriend loves fruits so we stayed in the fruits section for about thirty minutes. There were different kinds of fruits and my girlfriend was just drooling hahaha. She couldn't wait anymore. She just want to eat all of them.


On the other hand, I only bought one piece of pineapple. I love fruits too, I aint gonna deny that. However, too much fruits may kill people with kidney failure. Sounds confusing, right? Well, if we are going to remember the things pur teachers taught us ipduring our school days, fruits and vegetables are needed for us to be healthy. They provide fibers that aids good digestion. Unfortunately, dialysis patients are not that normal anymore.

Dialysis patients have damaged kidneys. As such, most cannot urinate already. Since kidneys also help in the regulafion of blood pressure, I am already a twenty-three year old high blood stud. Also, my hemoglobin fluctuates from time to time.

Going back to the fruits, they may kill us if we eat too much of them. This is because fruits are rich in potassium. Potassium is normally secreted from our body. If I am not mistaken, some exit the body through the urine. I am not sure with this. Though, I am sure that potassiums accumulated from these fruits do not exit per se the body. As such, it makes our heart work harder and may cause cardiac arrest. Scary.

In fact, one of my friend in the dialysis center ate one whole of pineapple because he was experiencing constipation. Afterwards, he died because of cardiac arrest. And the culprit was too much fruits which caused his heart to work harder.

I am not saying that eating fruits will kill us, dialysis patients. I am saying that eating too much fruits may kill us. This is also true to some potassium-rich foods.

And it is very hard to explain to your friends why you do not eat glow foods every meal. Hahahhaa

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