Trump, Nationalism and the NWO!

in #diary6 years ago

I am going to leave a link to an article on Infowars about Trump and his affect on the New World Order and globalism in general. I'm not sure if there a lull in the activities of the Deep State in the US that seems to have branches all over the world, or has Trump used his presidency to create an opportunity for everyone outside the US can sort of breathe again, although I can't say there has been any change in the Middle East or Ukraine since his election. Speaking of which, it is my guess that with Israel now bombing Syria with their self-justification protocol in place to defend their actions against a sovereign nation. The UN and all its allies under the umbrella of the US will of course refuse to utter a single gasp of outrage at the incursion by Israel on Syria. Double standards, blind justice whatever the excuse, Trump has given all in this world some sort of reprieve that was the madness when Obama ruled the US of America, but here in Canada the tentacles of the Deep State are quite evident within our governing bodies. My fear is that Canada will be used as a launch pad for libtards to invade the US, giving us no end to a nightmarish existence under the Libtardian King himself Just In True Dough.

so gere is the Link:


Speaking of which, it is my guess that with Israel now bombing Syria with their self-justification protocol in place to defend their actions against a sovereign nation.

Syria who launches missiles , flies drones into Israel ' s air space and when Israel response somehow Syria is a sovereign nation and it action no matter what is acceptable . Lets get some facts here .

The UN and all its allies under the umbrella of the US will of course refuse to utter a single gasp of outrage at the incursion by Israel on Syria.

The UN is now friend to the united states or Israel . Syria is guilty as hell and no reasonable person can justify their actions . That's why no great outcry . When facts undermine propaganda is hard to keep the lie going . Do you also support the use of chemical weapons against women and children . Where is the outcry against Syria for that .

I do agree with the lawlessness and madness with Obama and his Presidencies . Libtartes !
Our neighbors to the north are our brother , family

New world order see link

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