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RE: I left Steem for 4 months and I'm not even sure why

in #diary5 years ago

Hey! Awesome to meet you too :D

I know that feeling, but I'm good at not feeling it. I'm in fact terrible at feeling guilt, to the point that people sometimes hate my indifference. It's not the best trait to have socially but it makes me emotionally stable most of the time.

I've played Civ 5, and it was so slow! I played it for a week, but every game ran for hours and hours, and it got to a point where each turn lasted at least 5 minutes. The matches were so time-intensive that I had to leave the game because it was giving me anxiety just waiting for my next turn haha.

I haven't done social things like that before. Have you played it? I'll take your word for it and look forward a bit more anxiously till the day comes when we're to play.

I used to go there, to Freewrite, and then I started getting anxiety about that too, because I felt that my writings were too short, and too general, and that I wasn't "respecting" my readers by doing long and serious writing, but instead just moving my fingers around for 5 minutes and hitting post every day to farm their daily vote. At the same time, they used to get more attention than my normal posts hahaha, so maybe they aren't so terrible. I'll give it a go. I need some funspiration anyway, nice word :3

On the topic of my post, can I ask what you do for a living, and what you do to keep up doing it without falling to the temptation of simply quitting when things get a bit hard/slow?


Yes and yes.

Firstly to your worries about doing freewriting disrespectfully: never fear! I love reading whatever, and nonsense and/or short writings are as fulfilling to me as anything! It's not farming, it's participating in the community exercise. If all you want to do is move your fingers around and hit post, great! If you find yourself drawn to reading and commenting on others, great! It's here for how it's useful to you as much or as little as you want it to be. Anxiety needn't rear its head. Not that we can always control our emotions about that. I know on Steem there's a lot of finger-waving about what you should and shouldn't do, but @freewritehouse aims to alleviate any of that stress as far as we're concerned.

What I do for a living is acting, and things are almost always slow and hard. I get an audition once in a blue moon. I guess I have a lot of tangential things related to my work that aren't my work that keep me going. Like, I perform improv weekly. And I read to kids in a school. But I also give into the temptation to just not do anything for my career on plenty of days. It's hard. It's, like really really hard. Not the working, but the not-working, you know? When I have work everything that was hard is easier, though of course there are things that are hard about the work itself, but they're fulfilling. What isn't fulfilling is the stuff that I'm maybe supposed to do in between the working. Trying to network or revise my resume or get new photos or find a class or or or. And, to keep myself from becoming miserable and giving up, I give myself permission to not do those things when I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the coulds and shoulds. It doesn't always work. And it might not be the right thing to do. But mostly it must, because I'm still in this business many years after starting, and though there have been many months between gigs occasionally, I'm still as eager as ever to work.

Oh, the biggest thing that keeps me sane is having friends outside the industry. Don't get me wrong, I love my actor friends. But we're all trying to do the same thing, and it's just nice to relax with people who don't get it and think that it's cool that I'm an actor. ;)

And yeah! D&D. And also, I never got into Civ 5. I played it a bit, but I keep going back to Civ 4. I've heard good things about Civ 6.

But yeah. Games take many hours. But that's what I love about them. I get consumed by it.

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