The Big Hole. What is the big hole and where is it?

in #diamonds8 years ago (edited)

You have to drive a long way to get there but its a hole in the middle of a city.

Well actually a city has sprung up around the hole. The city of Kimberley.

Before diamonds were discovered in Kimberley and the surrounding areas they were previously only found in rivers and mined alluvialy.

It was not known where they came from and how these extremely hard and brilliant minerals originated. Hence their top position as the rares and most expensive of gemstones.

At Kimberley they were found on a little hill which was soon completely flattened and the miners discovered to their delight that the diamondiferous area continued underground.

They followed it as far as they could with pick and shovel.

The end product is the largest human dug hole on the planet and it was all dug in pursuit of very hard, little pieces of Carbon.

One can get an idea of the size of the big hole by comparing the size of the city buildings, seen standing next to the big hole, at the surface and the full sized trees now growing on the inner slopes.

This is just the one half... the other is just as expansive.

To think that this was done with pick and shovel. Each bucketful sifted and sorted by hand by hopeful mines lured by the possibility of the next spadeful yielding a fortune. Most of the diggers were disappointed as is usual in most gold, diamond and other rushes.


Wow! That underlines the Gold Rush Effect alright and I couldn't help but wonder if the people coming onto this platform only to dig for "diamonds" of that nature would leave a whole of that vastness in our communities or within our financial footprint???

Good article, thanks for sharing and namaste :)

Where is Kimberley I wonder ? Incredible!

It's in the Northern Cape, South Africa... a semi desert... to make the challenges for those early miners, over a century ago, even more difficult.

Did blood diamond guys come in and chop of little niglets arms and stuff. Or maybe rape their mother till that mined enough to cover her freedom payment or "ransom"?!?!?!?!

Looks dangerous. Too many holes like this where people got disappointed.

Thank you for sharing this story

Very interesting. Great post

All to place a little ring on her fingter, will try and find some of the smaller holes they made in New Zealand getting the gold for the ring

Yup, insane some would say...

Amazing. From the looks of that soil, it's not a cheap hole, either. I've dug enough holes to appreciate that some soil cuts like butter, while other stuff is rock hard.

All of it was rock, some near the top was softer weathered rock but rock none the less...

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