Dear Diary: My Dialysis Again Was Delayed And It Adds Insult To Injury

in #dialysis6 years ago (edited)

Today I was notified that my dialysis session will be delayed for more than four hours so it is a difficult situation that I have to bear when The dialysis machine that I will be using is non-cooperative. The machines are extensively used with only 24 hours break at weekend plus about 6 hours everyday and unfortunately the ones that I frequently used are the ones that gets the problem.

I should be the one that have to be prioritized in my treatments but it seems that it is always not the case. Sometimes I just feel that these nurses just wants to get rid of me and retain the most pleasant-looking patients in the center. That is what I feel because that is what I see and experience so it is disheartening if that will be the issue and I hope that I am wrong.

I just keep my mind off it all and be as productive as I can get in my life. Today I just transferred some of my crypto finances out from my online allet and into my keepkey hardware wallet, it was easy to use and now I know the steps on using it. And it gives me the confidence that at least some of my cryptos are in my control now.



I'm reading your post while on the machine right now. I hope you got on soon. I agree that you should be first in line for a working machine.

I overheard the attending nurses chatting about a patient complaining about his/schedule and took my schedule, so my suspicion was correct.

Try not to overthink about your situation. I'm sure the nurses and staff do not have that opinion of you. Great idea to transfer your crypto onto a secure device :)

I really feel sorry for your dialysis to be delayed. I can imagine its very painful and only the one who is suffering can bear it. I wish it should be on time so you don't have to bear the pain.

Well, its good that in spite of the negative thoughts, you are trying to stay productive and positive. The positive thoughts lead us to positive things and negative to the negative.

It is ok to feel the way you feel. And honestly you might be right about the nurses. They are only human and with many flaws themselves. You friend are strong and resilient. You always keep going and coming up with plans of actions. Blocking out feelings does no good, you do good by the way you work thru your thoughts. Keep going! Sending you good vibes from ALASKA!

I am well please the way you are productive health challenge notwithstanding. May God give you strenghten you more and more in jesus name.

Hola amigo, tengo 9 años, mi mamá me explico lo que era una diálisis, espero mejores pronto, pediré a mis angelitos por ti y por tu salud

Hola hijo
Esto de las enfermeras es grave.
Quisiera pensar que no es así; pero hay personal médico que tiene muy mala voluntad.
Pensemos que no. Te llamarán y la diálisis se va a retomar pronto muy pronto.

Stay positive. And don't be superstitious. Don't assume. Why would nurses wish to get rid of you? Think of the other side, may be Lord teaches you the lesson of patience, strengthening it more.
Don't get disheartened friend@cryptopie

This too shall pass🌼

And don't worry now, cryptos are under your control now ;)

Good friend!! Of course, try to think and entertain yourself in other things, the dialysis will be done at the right moment.

Insted of picking negative threads out of everyrhing , inculcate habit of picking positive things even in implied negative conditions.Nurse is not any authority in patient selection and doctor is bound by medical rules, regulatoins,etiquettes and ethics to practice their duties without any discrimnation.

yeah cause all doctors and nurses are flawless and ALWAYS follow regulations and ethics. HAH!

HAHAHA! Poor capability to correlate comment and post.
Btw no body is perfect.

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