Management of Diabetes in Ayurveda with Herbal Remedies

in #diabetes6 years ago (edited)


  • Diabetes occurs when the blood glucose also called the blood sugar is too high in our body. the main source of energy for the body is blood glucose that comes from the food we eat which is derived from the pancreas with the help of the hormone known as insulin but sometimes the production of insulin in our body is not sufficient which result in lack of glucose in the cells which give rise to diabetes.
  • The prevention and treatment of diabetes mainly involve healthy diet, regular physical exercise normal body weight and also to avoid the use of products such as tobacco and alcohol.
  • Diabetes is also known as parmeha and is also considered as one of the major diseases as it effects almost all the parts of human body and each human cell

Type of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

  • lack of insulin. (usually diagnosed in children and young adults).
  • Type 2 Diabetes
    • When insulin is produced but not used properly(mainly diagnosed in kids and adults suffering from obesity)

    Gestational Diabetes

    • Diabetes that occurs in pregnancy is known as gestational diabetes. This normally disappears after delivery.

    Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

    • Peeing more often being thirstier dry mouth itchy skin blurred vision unplanned weight loss nausea vomitting

    Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

    • Yeast infection (between finger toes, under breasts, in or around sex organs) pain in feet or legs numbness in bodyparts such as limbs and feet slow healing of cuts

    Symptoms for gestational diabetes are the mixture of type one and type two diabetes.

    Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

    • Viral or bacterial infection. chemicals toxins within food. unidentified component that causes autoimmune reaction

    Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

    • Obesity bad diet increasing age living sedentary life style

    Causes of Type 2 Gestational Diabetes

    • Family history of gestational diabetes overweight or obese sufer frompolycystic ovary syndrome have had a large baby weight above 9lb

    Natural Aurvedic Treatment for Diabetes

    • Though there is no cure found for type 1 diabetes and people depend on daily dose for insulin as the body stops producing insulin and this is only provided through the mode of injections but still it can be controlled with the help of some natural remedies that can help to avoid further risks.
    • Below are the natural ayurvedic diabetes medicines that can help to cure certain diabetic conditions and help in preventing further risks.
    • With the help of these particular herbs the body can get the potential to fight the type 1 diabetes and remove type 2 diabetes from its roots
    Diabetes Natural Remedies

    Diabetes Herbal Remedies

    • Diabeta Plus Capsules
    • Madhu Mehantak Churna
    • Fenugreek Capsules
    • Bittermelon (Karela)Capsules

    Diabeta Plus Capsules

    • Quantity: 2 bottles (120 Capsules)

    Dosage: 2 Capsules twice daily after meals

    Contents of the Capsule and Properties

    Gurmaar (Sugar Killer)

    • Gymnemic acid( provides anti diabetic effects)
    • Acid molecules(controls blood sugar level)

    Karela(Momordica Charantia)

    • Controls body metabolism
    • Contains beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and iron.
    • Contains polypeptide acts like insulin that helps to fight diabetes
    • Cures blood related problems

    Vijaysaar(Pterocarpus Marsupium)

    • Bark of the tree is useful in managing diabetes

    Saptrangi (Salacia Oblonga)

    • This herb is very effective for controlling diabetes
    • The bark of this herb is used for curing diabetes


    • The herbs in this formulation help to control vata and kapha both which is the main cause of diabetes.
    • It also prevents diabetic neuropathy and other complications.
    • It regulates glycosylated hemoglbin level.
    • All the above herbs simulate the immune system and promote health function of the body.

    Bitter Melon (Karela) Capsules

    • Quantity: 2 bottles (120 capsules)

    Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily after meals

    Contents of the Capsule and Properties

    • popularly known as karela in India
    • herb is rich in iron, phosphorus,fiber,vitamin
    • high quantity of water soluble vitamin B complex and C
    • contains very low fat and calorie content
    • Contains beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and iron.
    • This can also be used in the eye problem of farsightedness and near sightedness.
    • Helpful in early stages of cholera


    • It restores the imbalance created due to uncontrolled sugar and prevents complications of the diabetes.
    • It improves glucose tolerance without increasing insulin levels and to improve fasting blood glucose level.

    Madhu Mehantak Churna

    Contents of the Powder and Properties

    • Methi is rich in vitamins such as folic acid, thiamin,, riboflavin, vitamin A , B6 and C and are rich in minerals such as potassium, copper ,iron selenium, manganese,zinc,magnesium.
    • Enhances insulin secretion under hyperglycaemic conditions.
    • jamun lowers blood sugar level and lowers the risk of secondary compilations of diabetes
    • karela activates kinases in the cell which absorbs excess blood sugar and aids in controlling diabetes.
    • Tulsi contains anti diabetic properties which help in reducing blood glucose balance abnormal lipid profiles and protect organs like liver and kidneys from metabolic damage caused by high glucose level.
    • Gurmaar is known as sugar killer and is best known for its anti diabetic properties

    Quantity: 2 jars (200gms each)

    Dosage: 1 teaspoonfuls twice daily with plain water after meals.

    • The herb karela and Gymnema sylvestrea help in decreasing the high sugar level.
    • These herbs also give strength to the body
    • This is the most effective herbal combination.

    Fenugreek Capsules

    Quantity: 2 bottles (120 capsules)

    Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily after meals

    Contents of Capsule and Properties

    • Contains fenugreek that itself is used as herb in many medicines due to its anti- inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties.
    • Contains natural ingredients that simulate appetite.


    • This slows the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates which results in decrease in blood sugar level.
    • The next main reason for using this is that it contains galactomannan that helps in slowing down the sugar absorption in bloodstream.

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