in #diabetes2 years ago


Have you ever wondered if Hansel got sugar sickness from all of the sweets the evil witch had fed him? Well, if he does, there will be more challenges for him than encountering those horrendous witches in the wild.

A life where you can't enjoy the foods you want or used to eat. A life where you will constantly think about the complications that this condition might give to you. A life full of everyday medications either you take maintenance drugs or injects your daily dose of insulin just for you to be able to live another day of life.

As a person with diagnosed TYPE 1 Diabetes , believe me when I say that sometimes living your daily life will be a constant pain in the arse. Unlike the common knowledge, diabetes won't just get by eating tons of sweets on a daily basis, sometimes life will throw the biggest punchline ever and make you inherit the most useless legacy your family lineage will give to you. And it's going to smack you right in your SWEET face.

So, what is DIABETES?

Diabetes is a condition that weakens the body's capacity to deal with blood glucose, also called glucose. There are a few kinds of diabetes, which have different treatments.

In the US, the assessed number of individuals of any age living with analyzed and undiscovered diabetes is 34.2 million..

Without a proper treatment , diabetes can prompt a development of sugars in the blood, which can build in more serious complications, including stroke and coronary illness..

Now, there are different types of diabetes but the most common ones are the TYPE ! and 2 Diabetes.


Type 1 diabetes, when known as adolescent diabetes or insulin-subordinate diabetes, is a persistent condition. In this condition, the pancreas makes practically no insulin. Insulin is a chemical the body uses to permit sugar (glucose) to enter cells to create energy.

Various elements, for example, hereditary qualities and some infections, may cause type 1 diabetes. Despite the fact that type 1 diabetes generally shows up during youth or immaturity, it can foster in grown-ups.

Indeed, even after a great deal of exploration, type 1 diabetes has no fix. Treatment is coordinated toward dealing with how much sugar in the blood utilizing insulin, diet and way of life to forestall entanglements.


Here is the fast logical clarification behind Type 2 diabetes.

Glucose, or glucose, is the fundamental sugar tracked down in your blood. It comes from the food you eat and it is your body's fundamental wellspring of energy.

Your blood conveys glucose to your body's cells, where it gets changed over into energy.

Diabetes is an illness wherein your glucose levels are excessively high. This happens due to two issues that include a chemical in your body called insulin.

To start with, your body isn't delivering sufficient insulin. This is hurtful in light of the fact that insulin manages the development of glucose into your cells.

Second, your cells are answering ineffectively to insulin and are not retaining sugar the manner in which they ought to. This is otherwise called "insulin obstruction."

Because of these two things, an excess of sugar is flowing in your circulatory system. Over the long haul, it develops and your glucose levels become excessively high.

When your levels ascend past a specific edge (which can be shown by a blood test), you are named having Type 2 diabetes.

These are some of the symptoms you might experience if you have TYPE 2 DIABETES

Feeling thirsty every time
Excessive peeing
Increased hunger
Blurry vision
Injuries takes a lot of time to heal
Frequent infections
Shivering , tingling or numbness in the hands or feet

Type 2 diabetes is frequently connected to being overweight or dormant. In any case, for diabetics, shedding pounds can be an additional test.

I know what you are thinking, TYPE 1 might be a lost cause .On the other hand those people that are considered to be with TYPE 2 DIABETES can still control their health by the help of some medication and change of lifestyle. Aside from that DID YOU KNOW that promoting proper sleep can help you with regulating glucose and get BETTER health in general?

Most of us underestimate the power of getting complete and quality sleep but they are major factors that this underrated method of healing can help us in improving our way of life.

The significance of getting profound, continuous rest can't be undervalued and it has an immediate association with diabetes and stoutness.

However many individuals with type 2 diabetes battle to get a decent night's rest. It makes an incessant need to pee, which can mean awakening over the course of the night to go to the washroom.

Also, in light of the fact that the vast majority with type 2 diabetes are overweight, they frequently experience the ill effects of rest apnea, which makes them quit breathing briefly during the evening and afterward awaken heaving for air.

Besides, when you're not dozing as expected, you're rarely appropriately refreshed. You go during that time in a murkiness and are too exhausted to even consider needing to exercise or try watching what you eat.

Then again, when you rest soundly and arrive at the profound rest stage, your body can adjust chemicals like cortisol.

Absence of profound rest levels up your cortisol, which makes your body store fat.

Getting profound rest permits your body to hold your cortisol within proper limits, while supporting leptin, your craving controlling chemical.

As indicated by The Public Library of Medication, when leptin levels are low, your cerebrum believes you're starving.

You awaken hungry and feel hungry over the course of the day in light of the fact that your cerebrum thinks you really want to eat more.

Yet, when your leptin levels are high because of a decent night's rest, this conveys a message to your cerebrum that you have sufficient fat put away and no more is required.

This stifles your craving, making getting thinner that much more straightforward.

Well , now we established that getting a good rest has a large impact when you're dealing with TYPE 2 DIABETES or any sickness or condition in general that you might be experiencing right now.

If only there is a magic pill like in fairy tales, something that can cure anything and prevent us from getting this pain of a disease.. I wonder if there's actually something you can take that can help us with diabetes , weight loss and getting better sleep.

Or maybe the PERFECT MEDICATION to take already exists; we just have to look and try.

Well I guess this adventure will be all up to you.

You can start here, it already helps a lot of people all over the US, And it works just like magic!


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