very beautiful morning dew.

in #dew6 years ago

the benefits of dew present in nature.

refresh the body activity too solid or deadline job requires US to stay up to the morning make the body of a limp and lethargic. to refresh the body can be done with eating Dew so that the body of fresh and ready to move back next day. (see also: benefits cold water for body) launched a chapter (defecation) Dew also have the benefit to clean the intestinal which is one of the digestive organs are important to smooth bowel movements. so that some people can directly feel heartburn after drinking water Dew. but it is not dangerous and is normal. (see also: benefits vegeta - the benefits of Palm wine) address acne content of oxygen levels high on the Dew very good to maintain the skin of acne. if the face already acne we can also use the Dew to remove it. Dew this can be consumed directly or sprayed on the face. (see also: benefits acnol - benefits vitacid) address the oily skin other skin problems which is also very disturbing is oily skin that can also addressed with eating Dew. oily skin itself is a condition in which the skin produce oil excessive so face looks shiny. (see also: benefits betel leaves to face - benefits laser face) restore sound hoarse when activity throat or vocal cords we too busy as often talk or screaming usually sound will hoarsen. hoarseness this certainly be restored first one way to drink Dew. to do this your voice to recover as usual. (see also: benefits candy strepsil - benefits gurah) adding the spirit of drinking water Dew have a sense of refreshing so as to menimbukan spirit or taste to consume White water which is also the rich the benefits for health. make the performance of the body more efficient Dew was also be a choice for athletes in keeping the condition of the body. this is due to Dew able to improve the efficiency of the body of about 20% to 30% so we can move maximum without feeling very fatigue. (see also: the benefits of physical fitness - benefits sports) health care kidney with the efficiency of the body is high enough the workload carried kidney become more light so health kidney become more awake. because as we know kidney is one of vital organs for the body. (see also: benefits skin mangosteen for kidney - benefits ginger for kidney) help baby to quickly clever walking Dew also widely believed can help to handle the problem slow running on a baby. way with wiped water droplets Dew on your feet baby routinely every day. in addition of course remain diligently to train and stimulate baby to run. overcome sore mataumumnya sore eyes marked with eyes yagn look flushed and difficult opened when waking. for a handle we can also use Dew ie with shed a few drops of Dew clean eye sick. (see also: benefits carrots to the eye - benefits leaves moringa to the eye) throw toxins from within tubuhmengonsumsi Dew also useful to process detoxification in body, the process of disposal toxic substances from within the body. because as a general known that the food we eat or air we breathe could not clean from dirt and toxins 100%. more or less there must be contamination of toxins in time will accumulate in the body so detoxification important to do. (see also: benefits leaves lemon grass) increased endurance, there are so many of bacteria and viruses around we are ready to attack at any time when the immune system was decreased. for that we must always keep the immune system in a state of Prime. lot of food and how to do one of them with routine consume Dew. (see also: benefits swim) cholesterol evil in tubuhmenurut research water consumption Dew can also help reduce the bad cholesterol levels in the blood so that we avoid a variety of dangerous diseases such as stroke and heart attack. (see also: benefits leaves binahong for cholesterol) lose weight problems overweight be a big problem especially for women. they are willing to do the different types of sports and spend a lot of money to buy drugs / supplements slimming. when there is an easy way and cheap to reduce weight ie with eating Dew a regular basis. (see also: benefits Bay to diet) maintain cells cells is an entity smallest develop and support functions in the body so it must be maintained their health. these benefits bias obtained one of them with eating Dew a regular basis. (see also: the benefits of protein) Dew that during this time we do not think is not important it is very rich health benefits. for it from now on selingilah drinking water your Dew to get a variety of benefits in above.

the benefits of dew are so amazing then do not say dew is useless, because the dew is most of the kasiat from the dew.

all beautiful dew photos.




















thank you for taking the time to see and read well, if you like to kasiat dew just hit the link that I have love above the photo, you can join and see the story that there is link above thank you.

@thank you @esteem and @steemian Aceh.


Depth of Field Problems

One nice thing about macro photos is the use of intelligent Depth of Field. Kasarannya, the longer the lens you use, the deeper the zoom you do, the narrower the DOF. If you want an insect to focus fully, it's probably technically you're no longer shooting 'macros', because you may be out of the 1: 1 ratio by having to zoom out to get the optimal focus area. To make it more complicated, this difference will vary between a DSLR and a compact camera.


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