Asus Tinkerboard - A Raspberry Pi like mini computer with a lot more grunt

in #development7 years ago (edited)


have been recently doing quite a bit of research into options for small, preferably not intel mini computers capable of running a reasonable sized database and file serving function, ie, a blockchain node.

There was two options that I had got quite interested in. One was the Nvidia Tegra based Jetson system modules, and there is a graph database application called Blazegraph that can use OpenCL to accelerate walking database graphs for searches. This probably applies then to any device with OpenCL capability, which brings me to the second one, which I have decided to take the plunge and get into.

It's the Asus Tinkerboard, it has a quad core 1.8ghz ARM processor, 2gb of ram and a fast SDXC UHS-1 interface for its primary storage. Supposedly it can drive a 4k display and decode video, which is kinda amazing to me. But I'll be fine with it doing 1080p perfectly. I am getting one with a standard 800x600 8" raspberry pi touchscreen display, which means I can experiment with touch interfaces as well.

The primary concern about it is that it is usable for basic web/media purposes, and that it is ARM, really. I have been itching to get into doing arm development but the lack of fast enough devices, and circumstances, has held me back, but this new little offering from ASUS, who is also my favourite hardware maker, I must have this and make it my servant :)

upvoted. this is a great find i have been looking for a faster ARM for my son who wants to learn linux and make his own mods for minecraft and apps so anything i can do to help push him to enjoy computers as much as i do will be awsome..

Not just speed but also CPU instruction set, such as SSE2 and such. You may find it hard to compile some stuff on 32 bit architecture, i.e. ARMv7-A which is what this thing is running.

if it can't be compiled then something else has to be used... the platform is much more open and very energy efficient. I think it will do pretty good at databases

It depends what you're compiling but it's a gotcha I've encountered before, buyer beware!

Yes it looks like a really cool piece of hardware, I might be tempted also... 😉

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