Java development with Spring Boot: What is Spring Boot?

in #development3 years ago (edited)


Today I'll start a series of posts about Java development with the amazing framework Spring Boot. First of all, sorry about any mistake, because English is not my natural language, and I'm still learning it. If you find any problem, please, report it to me and I'll fix it as soon as I can.

What is Spring Boot?

Is a framework to create standalone applications that runs over the Java JVM. The framework automatically embeds components like Tomcat, configures database connections, schedulers, and other very useful tools.

With it, we can build very complex applications quickly. It's amazing!

Tools needed

In this post, I'll use IntelliJ Idea as IDE, and GNU/Linux as operating system, but due to the multiplatform nature of Java, you can choose any IDE or operating system.

A community version of IntelliJ can be downloaded from here:

Spring Boot Initializr

The Spring Boot Initializr is an online tool to build a full skeleton of a new app. This will be our start point. In the next post, we'll build our first application from scratch.

Please, share with me any comments.

See you soon!


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