if at first you f*** it up - back to the drawing board

in #developer7 years ago

or - perseverance is key

in the last two weeks I have learned a ton about linux. It's not that hard to learn stuff really - you have to be prepared for never-ending fuck ups and never-ending reading LOL.

I have been a long time windoze user so I am used to point and click on pretty pictures - it's been quite a long time since I had to do command line stuff. It's not that much different from growing up with a vic-20 or c-64 - the good ol' days of ZORK and the nasty gru.

repitition repitition repitition - or learn by doing.

so i broke the shit out these vm's for the last two weeks - it is nice to not have to worry about destroying a machine - or waiting forever for re-install.

as long as I don't screw up my clean VM - all i have to do is copy the vhd and point a new VM at it and BAM - new machine.

setting up clean ubuntu server (no gui) w/ripple image for VM installs

install clean ubuntu server (i used a new VM - installed from .iso)

download / install updates

sudo apt-get update        # Fetches the list of available updates
sudo apt-get upgrade       # Strictly upgrades the current packages
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  # Installs updates (new ones)

this part for easy access to share files w/network
install cifs utils 
edit /etc/fstab
get rid of floppy line #/dev/fd0
add cifs mount
    (this will error because /home/user folder not available yet)

edit ~/.profile
    sudo mount -a (now mapped cifs folder will work)

then follow the rippled instructions 

Install yum-utils and alien:

//$ sudo apt-get update - alreadt did this
$ sudo apt-get install yum-utils alien

Install the Ripple RPM repository:

$ sudo rpm -Uvh https://mirrors.ripple.com/ripple-repo-el7.rpm

Download the rippled software package:

$ yumdownloader --enablerepo=ripple-stable --releasever=el7 rippled

Verify the signature on the rippled software package:

$ sudo rpm --import https://mirrors.ripple.com/rpm/RPM-GPG-KEY-ripple-release && rpm -K rippled*.rpm

Install the rippled software package:

$ sudo alien -i --scripts rippled*.rpm && rm rippled*.rpm

STOP HERE - now we have clean image to copy for new rippled servers

after copying and log into clean VM

setup hostname -edit /etc/hostname /etc/hosts 
    log out and back in for hostname change
set up the network for static ip
edit /etc/network/interfaces
    setup static ip and default gateway 


This is where I am at the moment - let's see if i can get at least one of these up and running before end of the day ;)
you gotta remember i'm friggin OLD

let's see who's actually reading - in one of my other posts I have a giveaway for lifetime bitshares account - if you want it - go find it ;)

configure rippled.cfg
    set up ports ips - fixed_ips                
    im just setting up a cluster for the moment - not going for a validator
Configure the rippled service to start on system boot:

$ sudo systemctl enable rippled.service

Start the rippled service

$ sudo systemctl start rippled.service

"you have to be prepared for never-ending fuck ups and never-ending reading LOL"
so true

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