I can't believe I made it this far !!!
iteration 1
nodejs/mongo db
abysmal failure
but that's ok i guess
i did my initial assessment / proof of concept using a new platform (and landed a dev gig - pure dumb luck there)
i did pick up a little nodejs/pure javascript stuff so it wasnt a total loss
so it was only half a failure i guess
iteration 2
port everything to php / mysql
got it rocking fairly fast
my old multi-curl scraper was broken - i had fixed it / recoded it once before
but some asshole stole my dev computer that had good code on it
so i lost like 3 or 4 days troubleshooting and fixing it again
that turned out pretty good - because now it actually works - and much better than my older fixes
iteration 3
trying to fix up the loose ends
making a half decent UI is kicking my butt - i am definitely not a front-end guy LOL
using older bootstrap version with an even older bootstrap css
roflmao - no wonder everything i tried looked horrible
i had to rip through all my old crap code and get everything up to date for
jquery / bootstrap
wow - amazing - everything actually works like it should for once
next problem -
i forgot to update my MAX_FILE_SIZE upload in php.ini settings
and that still wasnt working -
duh - forgot to restart my apache service so the setting weren't active
so all my uploads still weren't working
yay - problem solved after apache reboot - im such an idiot
here we are in the home stretch
i have the command line interface running awesome fast
now that i have the right UI / jquery / bootstrap / uploader stuff working i should be able to
just plug everything in to the UI fairly quick from this point.
i cant believe some of the stupid problems i have been having with this
on a positive note - all that broken stuff that has been slowing me down is fixed fixed fixed ;)
upcoming @todo list
multi engine
currently the scraper just does one site at a time - in successioni can get this to run a little better if i spread scraper across all domains
i did it once before - so shouldn't be too hard - just need my brainz to cooperate
ajax api call
damn NDA - can't talk about this partfinish the UI - get stats and charts working again
what good is all this data if nobody can get to it or use itI probably don't have to do all the 'ajaxy' stuff -
but what the hell , it just adds to the fun of the challenge...part of this is adding in some more documentation (the database design)
once again - I am going to shoot for monday launch - this should be interesting
crap - lost another 3 hours fighting the damn dev server
apparently it was still running IIS
so i had to jumble turning it off
then the friggin apache didnt want to load php - so i had to battle that crap
oh look - let's fix the firewall crap while were at it LOLZ
Well, i hope i can get this thing up and running in the next week...
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