Drugwars: Alles ist weg ... ist das bei Euch auch so ?

in #deutsch5 years ago

Zur Abwechslung mal was Neues:

Drugwars - Alles ist weg.JPG

Alle Gebäude sind weg, dafür ist das Lager voll, aber die Lagerkapazität ist auch geschrumpft.

Ich könnte jetzt also wieder anfangen ein Hauptquartier zu bauen, aber ich glaube ich lasse das mal …

… ist es bei Euch auch so ?


Yep. just for a minute. After a couple of refreshes it went back to normal with a new troop added. The Lawyer.

Thank you for your reply.
I see it now, so this means that what was safe in your storage is not anymore save, the opponent can take out until 5% of the save part of your storage

Hmm. I didn't get that at first, but I see it now!

yes and it will not stay by this 5%, because he can attack you how often he want and always take out 5% of the save part of your storage.
I think it's really a big chance and I'm in doubt that this is good, because it stop with the rule that you have safe part of your storage. What you think about this change ?

and one more question

"This unit cover himself behind your big mamas."

What this means ? You need to send big mamas with him ? So he can only work if you also send big mamas or not ?

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