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RE: Was ist Geld Video Teil 8 (mit Ohrfeigen)

in #deutsch5 years ago

"Die auf Euro lautende Banknote wurde mit 50€ bewertet."
Diese Tatsache muss man den Leuten (und sich selbst) immer wieder ins Hirn prügeln.

Hier noch Ein schönes Zitat zum Thema Geld von Albert Jay Nock:

One such belief is that commodities—goods and services—can be paid for with money. This is not so. Money does not pay for anything, never has, never will. It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services; but twenty years ago this axiom vanished from everyone's reckoning, and has never reappeared. No one has seemed in the least aware that everything which is paid for must be paid for out of production, for there is no other source of payment.

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