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RE: Politik 089 - Kapitalismus Schuld am Klimawandel? - Sozialismus gut für die Umwelt?

in #deutsch6 years ago (edited)

Banks can borrow from the Federal Reserve (YOU can't) at NEGATIVE real interest rates. Three quarters of a percent, lower than the inflation rate. In essence, the Fed PAYS THEM to take the money. The banks can then lend the money out at retail rates at any rate. 6% on the biggest and best companies, 30 percent to you on your CC if you have a bad credit rating. Banks use "fractional reserves" to calculate how much money they can lend. The normal now is much lower than it was in the wild west days of the early 2000s. It's usually eight times their reserves….your money they hold for you and pay you perhaps two tenths of a percent. Or nothing for a lot of checking accounts. They are lending eight times the money they actually have. This CREATES new money to the tune of 800 percent with nothing to back it. In fact, the debts owed to them are held on their books as ASSETS. Since all business activity creates debt, it also creates an inflation in the amount of money in the economy. The economy MUST grow rapidly to be able to close the loop, to pay the money back. Infinite growth is required on a finite world with finite resources. It is a Ponzi scheme writ LARGE.

FYI, there have NEVER been free markets in the US. Never at any time when fiat currency has been used. Free markets can be seen in barter systems, but that's about it.

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