Phill vom GCHQ - Seite 9 - [Deutsch]

in #deutsch8 years ago

Episode 9: Keller, lieblicher Keller!

This is the german translation of 'Phill from GCHQ'. You can find the english version here.

Liebe Phill-umenisten,

hier kommt die 9te Seite von Phill vom GCHQ, in der ihr Phill in seiner häuslichen Umgebung kennenlernen werdet - geborgen, sicher und gemütlich ist es dort... bis etwas Fieses passiert.

Ihr werdet sehen!

Phill Seite 9

Phill vom GCHQ erscheint unter CC-BY-Lizenz. Original-Artwork und Idee von @katharsisdrill.

Den ganzen bisher erschienen Comic könnt ihr in Englisch auf der Homepage von Phill lesen, die aktuellste französische Übersetzung findet ihr hier und hier könnt ihr die letzte deutsche Seite finden!

Vielen Dank für eure Aufmerksamkeit!


You are really rolling this out with incredible speed. I am both glad and impressed. Nice touch in the last page with the English words and the small box with German translation.

Thanks, I'm happy about your appreciation. I'm doing my best to meet your standards. Actually I had to look up the word fanny, which was too funny to miss ;-)

According to, fanny has too meaning: one "vulgar" for Great Britain and other countries, and one just "informal" for Canada and US. You have correctly taken the first one. In French, I will use "con", as suggested by for the translation of Möse.

Thanks, this is really interesting. I guess, as it was the british Boris saying it, I chose the vulgar version. It's really cool how much things one can learn by doing those comic translations, isn't it?

Yes, it is ambiguous, and I choose it for being both the name and the female sex. Same thing actually with the word tart, on page 8, that can also mean a promiscuous, hot woman, besides being bakery. A bit like the US: bimbo. But as a translator you have to choose so... I think that both are equally "good, British words."

Yes, we have that in german, too. Saying hot "Torte"(pie) or "Schnitte" (slice) to a sexy woman. It's a bit vulgar, though. I wasn't sure, if you meant it, but I could easily update the translation of tart accordingly.

Well, Torte is perfect then, having both meanings.

In Danmark you can say sild, meaning herring (the fish) for an attractive lady.

What does mean "4-6 push-ups" ?

It is this gymnastic exercise.

In Danish: armbøjning, and in French... couldn't find it. Google gave me enfoncement and push-up, but there must be a word for it.

I had no problem translating "push ups": "pompes" (see, animated GIF on the right).
My question was about "4-6".

Ah, that should just mean the how many pompes he does. Like: between 4 and 6, or 4 to 6

And then I learned a new word: pompes

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