O-mega A-dventskalender Tür 20 [german]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #deutsch8 years ago (edited)

Mein philosophischer Ω-mega α-dventskalender

Tür 20:

Eine Koalition der Willigen
wollte einst den Frieden zurückbomben.

- Kollateralschäden nahm man in Kauf -

Doch der Terror glich einer Hydra
und kam doppelt zurück.

- Auge um Auge -

Misstrauen wurde zum Credo.
"Wir brauchen mehr Überwachung!"

- "Wir sind das Volk!" -

Ich wünschte, die Liebe
wäre stärker als Hass.

Text und Bild sind von mir.

Danke für's Lesen!



Je mehr Terror es gibt, desto mehr Überwachung ist die Folge! Super für die herrschende Elite. Doof für die Menschen.

My German is so bad I cant get around even these short messages , I'm interested in your topic but cant get around the language barrier just yet :D , keep them coming they seem interesting enough and well recieved.

Oh just translated it , well things are hardcore with the surveillance especially in Britain and Germany as far as i have heard , i think people need more connection , to step away from the power of the state and start autonomously governing themselves , politics is too much bullshit and lies breed more lies and ignorance , I've been thinking on the subject of the migrant crisis. I can't imagine how either of the parties must feel , one are there without a valid reason (money doesn't count) and wars have rarely stopped , plus going over at a neighbor's house won't solve your problems back home. So I cant believe you will integrate millions of migrants and make them a productive social part of your culture , culture is a different topic and i believe we are loosing that allover the world with this low form of globalization and commercialization , so be strong and I hope w can get out of this mess we are putting ourselves into , good luck in getting your fellow country men to not be a mob of soulless goo going over and voting for more of the same and losing their own autonomy in the process , I'm sure you can get back to what makes you strong.

Thanks for your kind words! I also doubt that we are able to integrate all the refugees in an easy way.

We rather should fight the roots of the crisis. We must be aware that our wealth is mostly build on the exploitation and suppression of people around the world. As long as we are not able to give every human being the same possibilities to develop and live in peace, there will be people trying to save themselves from desperation.

Also culture imho is a moving and evolving thing and always has been in history. I have no fear that a culture that is based upon love and compassion is less valuable than one that is build on hate and violence.

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