Steemmonsters: Schwerer Tag mit Happy End

in #deutsch6 years ago

Heute lief es den ganzen Tag wieder nicht rund, auch wenn am Ende war ich sehr froh vor dem Rating-Reset wieder in Silber I zu kommen und mir somit auch noch eine Rewards-Karte mehr für den Tagesquest zu besorgen.

Zunächst aber ließ mich die Erfüllung der Tagesquest bis auf 1515 fallen, aber danach lief es nicht rund, so dass ich sogar noch auf 1508 zurückfiel.
Am Ende konnte ich dann mit dem letzten Kampf doch noch auf 1603 kommen, habe mir die Rewards-Karten geholt und damit ist jetzt Schluss für heute.

Morgen nach dem Season-Rest geht es dann mit 1000 Rating-Punkten weiter.
Ich bin schon gespannt, was mir die 18 Rewards-Karten wohl bringen werden.

Hier meine Bilanz:

  1. Tag: 556
  2. Tag: 713
  3. Tag: 855
  4. Tag 879
  5. Tag 914
  6. Tag (Rating-Reset auf 400) 623
  7. Tag 1002
  8. Tag 1013
  9. Tag 1301
  10. Tag 1301
  11. Tag 1407
  12. Tag 1417
  13. Tag 1454
  14. Tag 1462
  15. Tag 1619
  16. Tag 1697
  17. Tag 1630
  18. Tag 1603
  19. Tag (Rating-Reset auf 1000) ?

Well done @schach.
I also fell quite a bit during my daily quest today, but managed to recover.
Sorry for not writing in German, But I am not that good at it :-)

No problem I also understand and can write in english - waiting now 6 minutes and I will see what I get as seasonal reward. I mean the question is not how much you get - the question is what you get.
I would like more to get a ruler of the sea or a black dragon than 150 Vampires, Highland Archers and Rusty Android.

So let's surprise if I get my first legendary card through rewards ( I won a Lord Arianthus by an giveaway here and was very happy about - other legendary cards I don't own till now).

Hope you gotta legendary
I agree, have enough vampires and stuff :-)

As I wrote at other reply: No legendary but two epic cards.

So I have my 18 cards - no legendary, but 2 epic (Brownie and Phantom Soldier). So I will see what to do with this cards.

2 epics with 18 cards is not bad, well new season and new possibilities :-)
I got to nr 20 on leader board, so next week I will have beta pack giveaways

Congratulations !
I found it great that you do this, especially because I think from this 19 people before you nobody will do this - they will probably all open booster packs only self.

I think most of them will not do as I, but I know rawutah sponsored a tournament last week with 20 beta- packs as prize

Ah ok I don't saw.
Maybe I don't looked - I had "filter" until now to luck only for novice and bronze - torunaments and I normally only pay free tournaments, so maybe level was not novice or bronze and/or he took fee for tournament.

Yes it was a gold level tournament, was free to enter if I recall correctly.
Was 15 betas in prize, but clove71 ( tournament host) also gave away 5 packs in her chat

I found tournament in steemmonster under "completed".
By me stands Entry 0.001 STEEM, ok it's really not much I think :-)

So in this case it was not the reason the entrance fee but I just don't look after this tournament.

Because: What chances I would have their ?

I have the fire summoner at level 3 and let's say a fire team with whom I think maybe I can play silver also if my limits are than 4/3/2/2 and silver is 5/4/3/2, so I'm just one level behind. But what about gold - completely no chance.

And if I cannot play fire I have only novice teams.

So I think I decided not to play (and to save this 0.001 STEEM xDDD)

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