Damn it! CDU/SPD coalition.

in #deutsch7 years ago

They really due fear going into an election. AfD would take over the government. Good luck Germany.

"One of this weekend's two major geopolitical unknowns was just resolved in favor of more continuity, and another 4 years of Angela Merkel.

On Sunday morning, two-thirds of rank-and-file members of Germany's Social Democratic party voted in favor of a grand coalition with the veteran leader’s conservative, or CDU, bloc, giving Angela Merkel backing for her fourth term as chancellor of Germany, and ending a five month political stalemate in Berlin, which, as the FT recaps, "could help restore Germany’s leadership role in Europe at a time of mounting political challenges, including a looming trade war with the US, rising tension over Brexit and French demands for an overhaul of the eurozone.""



US trade war, is going to get much worse with many countries in the world. Not a good sign for the US.

Impressive how fast zerohedge can react. I wanted to finish the article for defectio tonight.

looking forward to it

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