Collective post for useful Steem tools

in #deutschlast year
Da es in den unendlichen Weiten sicherlich so mache nützliche, aber wenig bekannte Tools und dApps für Steem gibt, möchte ich diese hier sammeln.

Since there are certainly so many useful but little-known tools and dApps for Steem in the infinite expanses, I would like to collect them here.

Image basis with thanks to Vika_Glitter/Pixabay

Ich habe etwas Vorarbeit geleistet und eine Liste von Tools zusammengestellt, die ich für nützlich halte:

I've done a little groundwork and compiled a list of tools that I think are useful:

Explorer & Account Info:



Browser Extensions:

Mobile Apps:


Soweit meine Vorauswahl

Bei mir schwirren noch mehr Links herum, allerdings nutze ich diese nur wenig bis gar nicht.

Was mir aufgefallen ist, in der Newcomer Community werden unter Achievement 5 unter anderem, und vorgestellt und von den Newcomern jeweils ein Review verlangt. Da bin ich echt froh, dass es zu meiner Newcomer-Zeit noch nicht gab, denn ich wäre damit heillos überfordert gewesen. Vermutlich wäre ich schneller wieder weg gewesen, als ich her gekommen bin. Aber - das ist ein anderes Thema.

So far my preselection

I have more links floating around, but I only use them a little or not at all.

What I have noticed is that in the newcomer community under Achievement 5 among others, and are presented and newcomers are asked to write a review. I'm really glad that such requirements didn't exist at the time I came here, because I would have been hopelessly overwhelmed. I would probably have left sooner than I got here.

But - that's another topic.

Jetzt seid ihr gefragt!

Wie oben bereits geschrieben, ist dies ein Sammelpost. Wer weitere nützliche Helferlein für Steem kennt, kann diese als Kommentar hinterlassen. Das wäre super!

Der Plan ist, daraus eine Zusammenfassung zu erstellen, aus der sich dann eine (hoffenltich) hilfreiche Übersicht ergibt. So haben wir dann alle etwas davon!

Now it's your turn!

As already written above, this is a collective post. If you know of any other useful little helpers for Steem, please leave them as a comment. That would be great!

The plan is to create a summary from this, which will then result in a (hopefully) helpful overview. That way we can all benefit from it!




I will call this - "Gems in one box".

However, here are more tools I found useful..

I will mention more if I remember any.

Thank you ubongudofot for the addition!

Steem-Wiki is too huge for me, I wouldn't even know where to start reading and some things don't seem to be up to date anymore. Similar to the Steem-Faq, quite a lot of text ;-)

Oh yes, the Multisig Wizard by pennsif - I haven't tested it yet, but it's certainly useful for certain cases.

Thank you for your feedback.

I discovered the Steem-wiki recently.
As for the Multisig wizard, I have tested it.

I know of

This is what I use to check my steem power.. I really don’t know who created it


Thank you! Oh yes, - that's probably still from @penguinpablo. It works for checking the SP, but otherwise the tool no longer seems to work properly. You can get much more information at, but I think you know it.

Thanks for the info.. I’d know idea it’s not working properly, I only use it to check SP, then steem world for a more comprehensive analysis…

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Thank you!

Bei den "unendlichen Weiten" habe ich eher an was ganz anderes gedacht ;-)))

Спасибо! Благодаря вам узнала несколько интересных инструментов для Steem: - история постов - альтернативный интерфейс - альтернативный интерфейс

А это только для HIVE к сожалению: - статус SBI

А это только для HIVE к сожалению

Нет, он также показывает статус SBI для Steem:


Спасибо огромное! Неожиданно работает!

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

Thank you Pennsif. It's always a pleasure and above all informative to read your news.

A much-needed piece of information in a collected form.

Maybe you consider editing and add any more tools that keep coming to your knowledge in comments or otherwise!

Thank you

Awwh, I was looking for one post and "" helped! 😊👍 Thank you for sharing this with us!


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh

Thank you @o1eh!

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