Warum ich hier bin (why I am here)

in #deutsch8 years ago (edited)

...weil ich diesen Haufen einfach liebe und die Ehre hatte einige von ihnen kennenlernen zu dürfen. Viele sind garantiert auch im Februar auf Anarchapulco III:

"Many of us went to reminisce about the old days when we, the brotherhood of geeks, the future of great things everywhere, were the only ones who understood what the fuck a cryptocurrency was. Or how to buy Bitcoins. Or where to spend them. We went to talk strategy. Should we figure out how to comply with their crazy rules and regulations? But no matter how we split over this debate, we agreed that central banks were a problem. They were printing notes willy-nilly with no regard for tomorrow. It was up to us to give people control over their own damn money We went with heartfelt purpose. Because every one of us agreed with Bitcoin Jesus, otherwise known as Roger Ver. He said, “Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.” 

Charlie Shrem


As a free man I take pride in the words: "Ich bin ein Bitcoiner!" :-)

Venceremos. Hasta la libertad, siempre!

Und für alle, die den Honey Badger nicht kennen:


Cool post UPVOTED! Nice to see the different languages. Scrivi anche in italiano vero? Hai visto il mio ultimo articolo?


Si, ti seguo! Cerco di aiutare il channel italiano come posso!

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