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RE: Let's have a talk. / Lass uns mal ernsthaft reden.

in #deutsch5 years ago

My ancestors, who lived under the control of people who called themselves Christians but held them in cruel bondage, would completely understand where you are coming from. Nonetheless, their song about it still applies: "Ev'rbody talkin' 'bout Heaven ain't going there." That is to say that most of the people we meet that call themselves Christians actually aren't ... good estimates suggest about 90 percent aren't, and so that would also mean that 90 percent of church folks and churches AREN'T. Most people following Europeanized Christianity are following European materialism and hypocrisy and greed in churchy garb. So, I understand why the name Christian stinks in your eyes and many others.

However, the great mistake you are making in understanding true Christianity is overlooking Christ entirely -- pretty much the same mistake the 90 percent are making. "I don't need to pay attention to the work of Christ in regards to dealing with my own sinful ways -- my works are good enough so I can do things the way I want" is what those who have hurt you are saying but also the exact same thing you are answering back. But any true Christian will tell you: the key matter of Christianity is whether you have trusted Christ's work on the cross as sufficient payment in God's sight for your sins, and that His resurrection is sufficient for your righteous standing with God. Anyone who has truly come to those terms with their own sinfulness and run to Christ for salvation is not doing good work out of greed for the future, but out of humble gratitude to God for what He has already done in Christ -- to a point, future reward is a minor issue! "BECAUSE You have ALREADY been gracious, kind, and loving toward me, Lord, I can by Your strength show that same grace, kindness, and love to others, as You command me, day by day" -- that is the true Christian stance.

I am just a minnow. But I am a Christian. Let me go check out this @hope.venezuela project, and pass on the blessing...


@deeanndmathews Thank you for your answer/respond. I appreciate it.
We all have our own ideas about religion (no matter if it is Christianity or Islam or something else). The lack of respect is what bothers me, the threats in the name of.
Islam, Christianity, Catholics are results of earlier beliefs. Beliefs many look down on but still adopt in their daily life. The Christmas tree is one of them. It belongs to midwinter not the birth of Jesus.
The Bible is more as only the part about Jesus or parts used that keep women under pressure and take their votes and rights.

If there are lost sheep I am sure God will take care of them and does not need his "little" helpers to force, hunt for them, humiliate and punish in his name.

Once there was a God AND goddess and people were equal. Now we have a male/god and all live under the pressure of his helpers (literally said to my children before they were beat up by Muslim kids as they refused to bend for these children who find themselves on the same level as Allah).

We can talk long or short about it but religion is the cause to hate and (holy)wars and spread(s) more misery as anyone else. It is in the name of God people fight not in the name of the devil.
I am a minnow too and I do not believe in what many believe. I do not see the need to and lived too long under the pressure of people's religion. A religion that shows no respect for women and those with an opinion of their own or own belief. I still care about people and it is true I do not help everyone. It is easy to ask for money to spam and scam, threat people and manipulates but as an adult, you have responsibilities if it comes to your own life too. I gave plenty and high amounts to users and been punished for that (my children too) for years. Still, I believe there is a huge difference between project hope Venezuela and the scammer who choose for this lifestyle.
Thank you for having a look and stopping by.
Blessed be and a great day. 💕

"If there are lost sheep I am sure God will take care of them and does not need his "little" helpers to force, hunt for them, humiliate and punish in his name." -- there, we utterly agree. So also does the true and living God, and His true followers are not out here beating people down. But about that I have said enough already.

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