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RE: Results from my research about healthy steem community

in #detect3 months ago

Yes, my dear respected sir. Thank you so much sir for understanding me. Now I'm supposed to answer your questions.

Would you be happy to highlight the users that you nominated?

Yes, I would be happy to write that I nominated your mentioned users. Yes, I nominated these users, but by considering our winning criteria that I mentioned above. Their dedication and their engagement were highly in notice for choosing them in the winner list.

The mentioned user's engagement and their post quality completely matched with our winning criteria. Although there is no fix criteria to select winners by The Steemit Team. When we have to announce the results, I take screenshots from steem seven tool and highlight the top 3 most engaged users and then my team final them. I was satisfied with my nominations because all my team members were satisfied and agreed on it. Mentioned users are also engaged with other communities and some also winners in other hosted communities.

Why the use of steem-exchange instead of transferring directly to your wallet (where it ends up anyway)?

The reason is that I don't have much experience with binance and I don't believe that every time my deposit memo address will be the same. I am not a pro or good at crypto and just recently one of my friends guided me about steem withdrawing process through binance. And you know, for new users, it's easy and simple to transfer from steem wallet to steem wallet. As I said, I always learned things from senior steemians and always tried to show my professional attitude with respect. (I hope you remember @siz-exchange was a very outstanding project of steem community).

I told my friends that if they need withdrawal of thier steem then they can transfer in that wallet, so I can easily make withdrawal for them at the same time because it is always risky for a new binance user as I am a new one. Deposit in binance also takes some time, so I told them to transfer in that wallet using cash out word in memo. Because of their purpose of cashing out their stem in PKR. Many steemians use this method to make easy withdrawal for all.

When you use steem-exchange, why are all of the transfers made within minutes of each other? (Q3b) Do you make the transfers on behalf of the users (i.e. you have their keys)?

No, I don't have access to their keys. As I said, they are all students of the same university and some are fellows of each other. They knew each other very well, and I told them I could just create only one withdrawal for all of them. That was easy for me. So they were all new. They transferred together.

Do you think that 40% of booming votes going to the moderation team is fair on the community?

No, I don't think, but my team and my moderators are very hard workers. They work hard for the healthy steem community and they deserve appreciation for their efforts. My community is on top just because of them. They organised a contest, they completed their reviews on users' posts on their respective days.

They fight against plagiarism and abuse content in the healthy steem community. So, I don't think that it is wrong to give one booming in a week to my moderator. But your suggestions are always highly appreciated. Learning is a gradual process. Always hope for the best. If you all respected users think that we still need improvement, we will do that and we will prove ourselves as I said in my previous comment.

Do any other moderators in your community have access to the keys of the community account? (Q5b) Have you initiated Multisig on the community account?

Yes, all my team have access to the posting key. We (Admins), both, have access to all keys. I don't have any idea about Multisig. What is it? But I will learn about it. You can help me with this if it is a necessary thing for a community, so I will do it. Now I still don't know about it. Accept my apologies for that.

Q6 - In your own words, why was your community selected to receive booming support?

To be very honest, the community was selected to support quality content. I mean good posts and fulfilling all the rules and regulations set by the Steemit team like club, plagiarism and AI. Our community's basic purpose is to support healthy content so different users can show their healthy posts within our community. If we need more improvement in this section, accept and guide us. We will follow you and we will make sure that all things happen as they should.

Thank you my respected senior. I have tried my best to answers all of your questions. If my senior respected Steemians think that we still neend any improvement in any of the section, we will follow your valuable suggestions. Learning is a gradual process. We should always try to follow good things with open heart. So, we are ready for your appreciated and valuable suggestions. Thank you!


Thank you once again for taking the time to explain - there are definitely some things that I'll never understand.

  1. I don't understand how you can say that the engagement challenge is fair when out of 150+ entrants, you've only selected winners that you know (I realise that I'm picking on you here, but having a direct link to every selection, some of which withdraw their earnings via your wallet...?!).
  2. Why you'd use steem-exchange instead of a wallet-to-wallet transfer or direct to Binance (experienced or not - steem-exchange requires experience in itself).
  3. The high percentage of votes to yourself and moderators - despite all of you receiving good steemcurator support anyway. Would the community receive anything if you only got 11 booming votes per week or recruited more moderators?
  4. Having seen the Booming information that I've shared with you, are you happy with the number of booming votes that you're allocating yourself and people you know?

I'm aware that I'm on my high horse and that my approach to Steemit differs considerably from the herd. But having discovered what I have, I certainly wouldn't fancy my chances that any contribution I make in your community would be rewarded - which isn't what I'd expect from a community that receives the support that yours does from the Steemit Team.

I would strongly recommend implementing multisig since other people having Posting or Active keys is irrelevant when the power to change the Master Key is held by 1 person. The existing team should have equal voting weight (which can change when a moderator leaves or changes).


As a team, I have no doubt that you'll be able to figure this out and ensure the longevity of the community account.

I had no idea that 1 booming vote a week as a community moderator could be something alarming, she has set the bar high. Many things about this discovery still surprise me.

9 moderators, but only 7 were on duty daily, but the other 2 had no responsibility. I will never understand the need for so many moderators either.

That is why @edgargonzalez and I have made the decision to leave the position of moderator in the healthy community

I hope the community has a bright future.

Greetings friends @dexsyluz, @edgargonzalez, @aaliarubiab

It is important to highlight that the effort generated by the friend @the-gorilla to show information is not to destroy the moderators, much less the community, the purpose is to avoid falling into these errors of giving preferences to a certain group, when the The idea of each support program and dynamic is to support as many users as possible, as long as they deserve it.

Here, we must ensure the well-being of the platform in general, and this is achieved by doing our bit from each community or space where there is activity.

We can do better.

Hello friend @adeljose, I really appreciate @the-gorilla effort and work to do the right thing and find a balance!

I spoke with @aaliarubab and the reason why I gave her my resignation was because this situation does not allow me to concentrate on the presentation of my thesis, which is on April 23. That doesn't mean I refuse to return.

I trust that the administrator will heed the instructions of @the-gorilla, especially with reference to Multisig so that we can all have the same weight within the community

It's true what he says @edgargonzalez y @khursheedanwar. The moderators do not have access to the Google Sheet for booming support, so I would like the moderators to be granted access to it and also for each moderator to be in charge of making the daily report for the support on their day of duty booming in the community account, As large communities do.

Always making sure not to abuse it. Always put quality first and not make preferences.

We can all learn from this situation, the ideal would be to apply the corresponding changes so that the community is strengthened. I am always there for my friend @aaliarubab, If she allows me to return after the presentation of my thesis

Thanks @dexsyluz for highlighting my points....

I agree with you that there should be access to all community moderators to fill booming sheet on their respective days of moderation duties so that voting system and booming selection remain much transparent in healthy-steem community.

All should focus on the point that no user should be given more than 1 booming vote in a week because healthy-steem community is in tier 2 and there are more than 100 active posters.

Well, I wish good luck to you for your thesis presentation 💕

Thanks for giving me your precious time ❣️

Saludos amiga, me alegra que estés a pocos días de presentar su tesis, espero le vaya excelente, le deseo lo mejor.

Gracias amigo

Greetings friend @adeljose, I value the work that @el-gorila has done, to get where he got!
But the moderators are the least who should be involved in this situation, because if we worked together none of this would perhaps happen, I speak with the support of booming! No moderator or at least the three Venezuelan moderators do not have access to the Google sheet, everything is handled by the administrator, I think, like you, there should not be just one group that receives support but rather be impartial and more so in these things than the entire who writes good content deserves to be taken into account!
If things are done well, many more can be achieved! both in the well-being of the platform, the community and the moderators!
Mistakes are synonymous with learning!

In isolation, I don't think that a moderator receiving 1 vote per week is alarming - I appreciate the work involved in reading and selecting the best content in a busy community.

But when you see such a high proportion of votes available going to moderators, it becomes more difficult to view each vote in isolation.

... @edgargonzalez and I have made the decision to leave the position of moderator in the healthy community

I think that this is a shame - I believe that both of your presence and input into selections provides the diversity required for a healthy (😉) community - especially with the surprises that have been shared. I believe that aaliarubab wants to do better and I think that you both have the strength of character to help.

Me apasiona el contenido de salud y fue una buena experiencia mientras estuve allí. Sin embargo hay cosas que las lideres deben esclarecer, hacer cimientos fuertes, establecer valores y principios que regirán todas sus acciones.

Seguiré observando esta comunidad querida, asi como lo hace usted. Pero no desde adentro por ahora.

El contenido saludable no se debe limitar tampoco a una sola comunidad, una comunidad integral debería tener un rincón saludable!

Porque entonces todos los temas de concurso se volverían monótonos.

Mi carrera como profesional de la salud en Steemit continua, he estado pensando en formas de como implementar las campañas de salud a la promoción de Steem.

Mi verso clave es: Todas vuestras cosas sean hechas con amor. Fuente

Por eso @the-gorilla, Steem saludable se lleva por dentro 😎 en el corazón ♥

Hello @the-gorilla

Hope you are fit 🌺

• I have a simple point to highlight that being a moderator if a moderator is receiving more than 1 booming upvote from healthy-steem community then we can say it's unfair distribution of votes but if moderator is showing his active participation in community then I don't think so in giving 1 booming vote in a week is any manipulation of booming votes or support.(Talking about myself,I have received total 3 booming upvotes from month of March so from 1st March - 13th of April if there are 3 booming upvotes so it's satisfactory for me personally.

While in nominating others for booming support I haven't played any role but according to my personal experience but there's a WhatsApp group of healthy-steem community in which admin aaliarubab asks almost every week that everyone can openly tell here who is active in community but not receiving support from booming accounts and many times users have also told their issues if they have regarding support or any other thing related to healthy-steem.While if a user is getting more than 1 booming upvote every week so it would be unfair who are not receiving any single vote in week despite of being very active.So I can say that giving two votes to same user could be considered an unfair voting distribution which should be focused.

Moving forwards,about transactions I have no comments to say as it's related to admin so she is only responsible to clearify it.

• Implementation of multisig is really a great step that I appreciate because it's for community account betterment so it's a good suggestion by you.

That's all from my point of view 💕

Thanks for giving me your precious time 💓

Greetings @the-gorilla, as you have correctly stated, we can work it out as a team, but then there are things even I is marveled about like the booming support mapping you have shared, my name even as a moderator is missing. But then, that is secondary.

I hope all this can end positively soon as it's becoming disturbing even for others just following up the situation. I wouldn't want a case where the father's sins are counted upon his children. Thank you very much for taking your time to see to the root of this.

It's not my intention to burn the house down. I saw the complaint from @starrchris and wanted to see if his complaint has some merit... which I believe it does.

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