
in #destiny6 years ago (edited)

Destiny is perceived as either something that is meant to be (fate) or one can make their own choices (free will). It is often described in various ways such as God’s will or the work of the Devil or what not. Living your Life according to Divine will means a balance between free will and predetermined events (karma). How much control does any individual actually have in this present age?

The Illuminati and their forebears ruled Earth Prime for over 26,000 years. They installed the Matrix which has been used to override humanity’s Divine gift of free will. The Matrix is like the fascist state in the George Orwell 1984 novel. The populace has the illusion of choice in their lives especially those living in democracies. The Matrix is an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) construct which manipulates every one’s free will choices in favor of preserving Illuminati rule. It generates anger, fear and hate toward oneself (self image) and outward against others who are perceived as different. The Illuminati uses the concept of divide and conquer to cause turmoil and preserve their rule. If you are too busy fighting someone else than you are not apt to notice the hidden hand of the Illuminati. Those who are positive and generally open-minded tend to dampen the effects of the Matrix. Feelings of happiness and love toward oneself and most others are like a healing balm that actually increases your free will choices. The saying what goes around comes around is so true of Divine will that even the Matrix cannot fully override this Divine law.

In this present age there is much positive healing changes taking place in all societies on Earth Prime. There is both covert and open rebellion against Illuminati rule on many fronts by both human and non-human groups. In America for example you have the Alliance fighting the Illuminati (Deep State/Cabal). This fighting is expected to come out in the open during the rest of this year. That means the general public will be shocked and outraged to find out what crimes against humanity the Illuminati has committed.

That means everyone needs to remember the Divine concept of what goes around comes around. From the moment you realize how badly your respective lives were manipulated by these psychopaths you must remain calm and refrain from violence or the threat of violence. Remember that when the Matrix is turned off all those feeling and behaving positively will surmount the unfolding scandals. For those feeling excess anger and hate these negative feelings will push you deeper into an unhealthy spiritual cesspit that will be hard to come out of on your own. Committing acts of violence against people will not help us move toward a better society. Healing will take place if you allow the good in yourself and others to rise to the occasion and we help each other endure this time of Darkness as the Illuminati are purged from Earth Prime. For God and Earth.

Jerome in His Wilderness.jpg

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