Mount Mustang ~ Kashgar~ Xinjiang NorthWestern China - Part 7.0 喀什, 新疆

Click on Image for Xinjiang NorthWestern China Part 6.0

Mount Mustang ~ Kashgar~ Xinjiang NorthWestern China - Part 7.0 喀什, 新疆

Mustang or Muztagh ; The Ancient Silk Road from Kyrgyzstan to China - Kashgar.
You can see the mountain peak ata of Mustang. Sometimes also refer to as Khan Tengri Peak.
Here are some aerial view photos.

To the north Kazakhstan , [south India, Nepal] , [ West Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan] , this is enormous region where many tribes , cultures , there are plenty of pilgrims around the region.

Next Series Camel Train Ride.

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Mystical mountains "peak" the sky. This is "wow" scenery.

The scenery is so beautiful, in Indonesia there is no snow. Which looks green mountains and hills.

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Beautiful scene...

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