Dignity and Desteni: My Visit to the Farm

in #desteni7 years ago

Dignity – Planting & Minding Our Earth Potential

Are You familiar with Dignity? How well do you know Dignity?

Dignity is Our Self-Worth.

A Little Story about my relationship with Dignity:

Dignity was a sort of dirty word within myself, kind of crass in being a sort of tactfully bad joke. I didn't even realize the mockery of my Self-Dignity within and as my relationship attitudes about Dignity. Dignity was so ingrained within me as a sort of slang word in the sense that it didn't really hold any credence within me. It's usage was politically incorrect as the sounds within me carried a dissonance. I totally didn't fully get Dignity nor did I fully understand or know Dignity. I had developed some judgments about Dignity, and over time, this totally messed up the reality of Dignity and I. Our relationship was a bit out of wack. The wack'ness between Dignity and I was festering in a sort of lock down where Dignity was beaten, buried, hidden and suppressed within myself.

Pause for a moment.

Take a breath.

Tragic comedy funny - in how our relationships can be skewed when we create judgments and let them grow inside ourselves as acceptances and allowances as who we are. I mean shit....'grow'! Mayyybee not the best description...but it's the result of an 'unattended growth'. Meaning, we planted the seeds and watered the plants but we didn't pay all too close attention to what we were sowing. Interesting to see how our words grow all the same way...it's that input and output correlation. #HowWeCultivate

Moment for Deep Breath.

OK, Back to Dignity Storytelling:

I spent 6 weeks in South Africa Living the Desteni Farm. When i was packing up and getting ready to leave, a hip hip lady on the farm asked me a question along the lines of, “what's the one thing you can take away from your visit to the Farm?” I took a moment to answer as I really went deep into the experiences of myself over the duration of my visit. I reflected upon the exorbitant amount of self-realization that I faced. The good, the bad, and the ugly. 'The whole kit and caboodle'. This moment, before I responded to the hip hip lady was about 1 breath in duration.

I said to her, “My Dignity”

I said it in a kind of sly way as like I was getting out alive, unscathed yet having faced a tremendous amount of inner turmoil. I wanted to express acknowledgement to the physical intensity of inner work and reflection I faced about myself that had been so much so dormant, suppressed and depressed. Really, a whirlwind of emotion and feeling to summarize the work that went into realizing, Seeing, and Understandingfarm stand up.jpg Dignity.

What's kind of funny in a sort of round about and intriguing manner....is, what happened next.

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